News and Updates

UVES in-house processed data products not published since June 2019

Published: 26 Sep 2019

The PIs of ESO observing programmes with the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) are informed that the generation of the in-house processed science data products is currently suspended since June 2019. ESO is working in reprocessing the entire UVES data holding with improved algorithms and master calibrations. The newly generated products will become available via the ESO interfaces in the incoming months. A new announcement will be posted once the publication of the reprocessed UVES products is resumed.

Mapping the Milky Way bulge with VVV. The deep J,Ks catalogue based on PSF photometry is now released

Published: 22 Aug 2019

The Milky Way Bulge PSF Photometry project provides a comprehensive census of the stellar populations of the inner ~300 deg^2 of the Galaxy, using J and Ks band observations obtained with VIRCAM on VISTA from the VVV ESO Public Survey.

First data release from the VISTA second cycle Public Survey VINROUGE

Published: 09 Aug 2019

The primary goals of VINROUGE (Vista Near infra-Red Observations Uncovering Gravitational wave Events, PI N. Tanvir) are to locate and characterize the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave discovered events. This is achieved through wide field, multi-filter (Y, J, Ks) imaging of the error regions with VIRCAM on VISTA. This first data-release contains imaging and catalogues obtained during the follow-up of three gravitational wave triggers during the second LIGO/Virgo science run (O2). These triggers were two black hole mergers GW 170809 and  GW 170814, and the Kilonova transient GW 170817. For the latter, the gravitational wave counterpart was detected and identified as a binary neutron star merger. The observations of the three different fields cover respectively 17 deg2, ~27 deg2 and 3.5 deg2.

New release from the VISTA Magellanic Survey (VMC DR5) available

Published: 02 Aug 2019

The VISTA Magellanic Survey (VMC) led by principal investigator M. Cioni aims at the determination of the spatially resolved star formation history and the three-dimensional geometry of the Magellanic Cloud system. The sensitivity in Y, J and Ks filters has been designed to reach sources below the oldest main-sequence turn off point of the stellar population and through the multi-epoch coverage to measure accurate Ks mean magnitudes for pulsating variable stars like RR Lyrae and Cepheids.

Catalogue release from the VVV survey: the VVV Infrared Astrometric Catalogue (VIRAC) version 1

Published: 21 Jun 2019

With this data release, the VISTA VVV survey (179.B-2002) publishes the VVV near-infrared Astrometric Catalog (VIRAC) that contains proper motions of stars measured during five years of observations, from 2010 to 2015. The catalogue contains ZYJHKs band merged magnitudes (single epoch, wherein the Ks magnitude is a mean value) and proper motion measurements for 312,587,642 unique sources detected in the multi-epoch imaging campaign covering 560 deg2 of the Milky Way bulge and southern disk. VIRAC includes 119 million high quality proper motion measurements, out of which 47 million have statistical uncertainties below 1 mas yr-1. The VIRAC photometric and astrometric calibrations are both derived from the 2MASS Point Source Catalogue.

New release of imaging and multi-band catalogue data from VST ATLAS Public Survey

Published: 21 May 2019

The ESO Public Survey ATLAS with VST is targeting 4700 square degrees of the southern sky in u,g,r,i,z to depths comparable to those of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey SDSS (r~22). Its wide wavelength coverage, from the u- to z-band complements the VISTA VHS and VIKING Surveys in YJHK bands.

Second data release of the Large Programme 'Dissecting GAs Stripping Phenomena in galaxies (GASP)'

Published: 21 May 2019

This is the second data release from the ESO Large Program 'Dissecting GAs Stripping Phenomena in galaxies' (196.B-0578, PI: B.Poggianti - It completes the earlier one and provides deep MUSE 3D cubes observed in wide field mode and natural seeing plus ancillary products, comprising the observations taken from P99 to P101.

VO programmatic access to processed data currently on-hold

Published: 20 May 2019

Due to a technical database issue, the publishing of new science processed data via the Virtual Observatory (VO) programmatic interface has been put on-hold.

Calibration issues for the HARPS data products taken between 2019-Feb-02 and 2019-Apr-16

Published: 17 Apr 2019

Due to a bug in the pipeline recipe, all reduced science data taken with the Fabry Perot in the time frame Feb 2nd to April 16th at 13:14 UT exhibit a radial velocity offset, which in the last days amounted to already -13.6 m/s.

We are working in reprocessing the data and make the newly generated versions available via the ESO interfaces.

A new Archive News will inform you when all affected data will have been cured.

New feature of the ESO Archive Science Portal: searching by list of targets

Published: 03 Apr 2019

The Archive Science Portal (ASP) provides the primary entry point for interactive searching and browsing of the ESO Science Archive in terms of processed data sets. So far, the Archive Science Portal supports searching for one target at a time. Because many users requested it, the possibility of searching by a user-provided list of targets has been added. In the first implementation of this feature the list may contain up to 1000 target names or coordinates (J2000 or galactic). The power of the existing graphical user interface remains fully available in the list search mode, including the option of adding and adjusting any of the seventeen non-positional search parameters. The new software release also features a refurbished download menu to accommodate downloading the results of the list search and it includes several bug fixes.

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