Welcome to the ESO Science Archive Facility

The ESO Science Archive Facility (SAF) contains, and provides access to, data from ESO telescopes at La Silla Paranal Observatory, including the APEX submillimeter telescope on Llano de Chajnantor. All raw data from the La Silla Paranal Observatory are stored together with the corresponding calibrations, as well as selected products both contributed by the community or generated at ESO. Processed data downloaded from the ESO Archive are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). The list of the DOIs currently available can be found here. In addition, the raw UKIDSS/WFCAM data obtained at the UK Infrared Telescope facility in Hawaii are available in the ESO Archive.

The Principal Investigators of successful proposals for time on ESO telescopes have exclusive access to their scientific data for the duration of a proprietary period, normally of one year, after which the data becomes available to the community at large. Please read the ESO Data Access Policy statement for more information, along with the relevant FAQs.

Browsing the archive does not require authentication. Please acknowledge the use of archive data in any publication.

There are various ways to access the archive, varying for content and presentation/interface: via a web browser, the Raw Data query form gives access to the  raw frames and their calibrations, the Science Portal allows to browse and access the processed data, and the Catalogue Facility to browse and access the catalogue data produced by PIs of ESO programmes; the Programmatic and Tools access layer permits direct access to the raw and process data and metadata, to the ambient condition measurements, and to the catalogues, in a scriptable and VO-compatible manner. Other query forms are available in the table at the bottom of this page.


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To browse the archive

Currently, raw data and various types of data products can be reached via different interfaces:

Category Access Point Data collection Data Type Instruments
LPO Raw Data Raw data query form (all instruments)
Instrument specific query forms
Direct retrieval of raw data by file name
All ESO raw data Various Many La Silla Paranal instruments
LPO Processed Data


[Description of reduced data products types]

Science Portal (Processed Data)
Type specific query forms (generic, spectral, imaging, VISTA)
Direct retrieval of reduced data by file name
Processed Data (ESO public surveys; ESO pipeline-reduced products; Large programs: GOODS, zCOSMOS; etc.) Imaging, Spectroscopy, Catalogs, etc. Various
Catalogue Facility query interface Catalogues [ESO User Portal authentication required] Catalogues Various
HARPS-Polarimetry pipeline processed data query form HARPS-Polarimetry and calibration pipeline processed data Spectroscopy HARPS-Polarimetry, HARPS reduced calibrations (other HARPS see Phase3 above). FEROS is now available via the Phase 3 interfaces.
Other Advanced Data Products (available only as downloadable packages, no query form) Various (30 Doradus, Corot, GaBoDs, etc.)
Spectroscopy Imaging


Science Verification, Commissioning, EIS, etc. (no query form) Full list of available data packages Various Many
APEX Quick Look Products APEX query form APEX Heterodyne, Bolometer ArTéMiS, CHAMP+, FLASH, LABOCA, SABOCA, SEPIA, SHFI
LPO Schedule Scheduling query form
Observing Periods up to P112
ESO Observing Programme Information and Scheduling   All La Silla Paranal instruments, including APEX, up to the end of period 112 (2024-Mar-31)
Scheduling query form
Observing Periods as of P113
ESO Observing Programme Information and Scheduling   Active Paranal and La Silla instruments, from 2024-Apr-01 onwards
ALMA Science Archive All ALMA data Cube ALMA



The ESO Science Archive Facility was developed in partnership with the Space Telescope – European Coordinating Facility (ST-ECF). It was operated jointly until the closure of the ST-ECF in December 2010.