ESO Archive Frequently Asked Questions
List of FAQs
A list of FAQs on data reduction is also available.
The search will be performed in the questions and answers.
Results 1 - 9 of 9 for proprietary. (0.07 seconds)
How was the proprietary period of Service Mode data regulated?
Getting Data: How was the proprietary period of Service Mode data regulated? The following one was the recipe used to regulate the proprietary ...
How is the proprietary period of data regulated?
Getting Data: How is the proprietary period of data regulated? Starting as of Period 91 (and covering also observations carried over to period 91 ...
PI Packs: How is the proprietary period regulated?
PI Pack: How is the proprietary period regulated? As customary with ESO data, the science files are under proprietary period for one year from the ...
Are all data from ESO Archive available worldwide?
are available to users worldwide as soon as data proprietary period has expired (typically: one year), while calibration files are available ...
How come some files in my request can be downloaded now whereas before they showed the "Denied Access" icon?
one submits a request, the files may still be under proprietary status. When the same files are revisited by an Archive User after the proprietary ...
How can I download data? (for example when requesting proprietary data).
I am denied access to calibrations, which should always be public. Why is that?
science files, for example because they are still proprietary to another user, the corresponding calibrations in the dataset are also not ...
What do all those icons in the request page mean?
tickmark) or not (e.g. because the file is still under proprietary period of another user; red no access sign).
How do I programmatically access the Archive?
public data; work is on-going to permit access to proprietary data via the virtual observatory protocols. Data Access Policy Those scripts can ...
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Query Forms
- Hints on how to improve your search strategy
- How do I export search results?
- How does SIMBAD resolve the target name?
- How is the DIMM seeing measured? Do you store the FWHM measured on the image itself?
- Ranges can be given as value1..value2, does this apply only to numbers? What about dates?
- What is a DP ID and what is Orig Filename?
- What is the coding scheme for ESO Programme IDs?
- What is the meaning of the check-box located left of most query fields?
- What is the relation between instrument IDs and prefixes of archival dataset identifiers for raw data?
- When I use the wild-card on some queries (e.g. Filter: R*), the results take much longer to show up. Why?
- When browsing raw data should I use the main ESO Archive interface or the instrument specific ones?
Getting Data
- General
- Are all data from ESO Archive available worldwide?
- How can I display the 9 Gb fits files of the stacked UltraVISTA images?
- How can I monitor the progress of my request?
- Will I be notified once my data become available in the Archive ?
- How is the proprietary period of data regulated?
- How can I make use of the Phase 3 1d spectra I just downloaded?
- I have problems untarring .tar files.
- CalSelector
- Can I customize the association by specifying the nature and number of calibration files?
- How do I access the user documentation in addition to these FAQs?
- How do I trigger the CalSelector tool, i.e. the association of science and calibrations?
- I am denied access to calibrations, which should always be public. Why is that?
- In some cases the association is marked as incomplete, but it seems to me that all the necessary files are there. Could you, please, advise?
- My request is split over several pages and the “Select All” button allows me to select for download only the files listed in one single page. Is there a way to download the entire request at once?
- What do all those icons in the request page mean (old way)?
- What do file types MASSOC and RASSOC mean?
- What is the content of the association package?
- What is the time coverage of the CalSelector?
- What is the xml file that comes in each dataset?
- When do associations become available?
- Why are sometimes more science files associated than requested?
- Why are there fewer xml files than datasets as the result of my request?
- Why does my query with CalSelector return a lot of incomplete associations?
- Why is the category of a file not displayed for some files?
- Why is the number of files requested different from the number of files downloaded?
- Why is it that I have requested processed calibrations, but I get raw ones, instead?
- Data Requests
- How can I download data?
- Can I retrieve processed data from the Archive?
- How come some files I requested can be downloaded now whereas before they showed the "Denied Access" icon (old way) or Access ="NO" (new Download Portal Service)?
- How does the download script work?
- The download manager does not seem to work. Can I still retrieve the files requested?
- What shall I do when a file download fails?
- What is the maximum number of files I can submit as a request?
- How can I check the quality of science observations?
- Which information can I find in a Night Log?
- How do I programmatically access the Archive?