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New Public Survey Catalogue (Ultra-VISTA) available through the ESO Science Archive Facility

Published: 03 Dec 2012

The Ultra-VISTA survey, targeting a sub-area of the COSMOS field, represents the deepest of the six near-infrared ESO public imaging surveys, which are currently being executed at ESO’s Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). The first release of the new infrared source catalogue in the COSMOS field is now accessible from the ESO Science Archive Facility through a new powerful user interface for querying and data download.

Phase 3 data format standard for spectroscopic data available

Published: 31 Oct 2012

To support ESO spectroscopic surveys in their Phase 3 preparations the format standard for data products to be submitted via Phase 3 has been expanded and now includes spectroscopic data, i.e. extracted, calibrated, and fully characterized one-dimensional spectra.

The new ESO Science Data Products Standard (Issue 4, Date 15/10/2012) is based on the standard definitions, which were previously published in the External Data Products Standard, Issue 3 (25/05/2012). Note that the data format standard for VISTA public survey products (images and catalogues) remains unchanged, meaning that issue 3 still may be used for the preparation of these data.

As the scope of the new standard was enlarged to science data products in general, the document title has been adjusted accordingly. External data providers are not affected by this modification.

ESO Science Data Products Standard (Issue 4, Date 15/10/2012)

Raw FEROS data from 2001-2003 available from the ESO Archive

Published: 24 Sep 2012

As part of the ongoing effort of enabling access to historical ESO data, raw frames from the FEROS instrument taken between 2001-09-01 and 2003-10-15 have been recovered from offline media. These data are now available through the standard Archive query form.

Improved access to APEX raw and processed proprietary data

Published: 30 Jul 2012

The APEX query form now allows PIs and their delegates to download proprietary processed data. These data products are now transferred over the network, allowing PI's to access their data within a few weeks after they have been taken. It is expected that this lag will be reduced to a few days in the foreseeable future.

PIs' access to FEROS and HARPS pipeline-processed proprietary data

Published: 15 Jun 2012

In addition to historical and public pipeline-processed data, the FEROS/HARPS query form now allows PIs and their delegates to query and download proprietary processed data.

HST Archive to move on the 22.6.2012 - Invitation to public beta test.

Published: 11 Jun 2012

At the end of 2010 the previous operator of the European Hubble Space Telescope Archive, the ST-ECF closed its doors. (see

Phase 3 infrastructure upgrade: support for catalogue data submission

Published: 29 May 2012

The Phase 3 infrastructure has been upgraded to enable the submission of science catalogue data from VISTA public surveys.

UltraVISTA data release 1

Published: 15 Feb 2012

Following the successful publication of the data products from the VISTA public surveys (VVV, VIDEO, VMC, VHS) on 01.12.2011 (see announcement), the first data release from the ULTRAVISTA survey is now added to the list. The release consists of about ~ 87 GB high quality data products including the deep images in YJHKs broad bands and the NB118 image at the position of the COSMOS field, plus the single bands and multi-color catalogs.

VST/OmegaCAM instrument specific query form now available

Published: 22 Dec 2011

The VLT Survey Telescope (VST) is a 2.6-m wide field optical survey telescope for the southern hemisphere located on the VLT platform at Cerro Paranal, Chile. It is equipped with just one focal plane instrument, OmegaCAM, a large format (16k x16k pixels) CCD camera built by an international consortium. It operates in the u,g,r,i,z SDSS bands, covering a corrected field of view of 1°x 1°.

First public release of data products from the VISTA public surveys

Published: 01 Dec 2011

The ESO Science Archive Facility now provides community access to the first data products from the VISTA public survey projects. Following one year and a half of successful scientific operations VISTA telescope, the VISTA public surveys have returned nearly 6 TB of reduced data products, which can be queried for and downloaded by the international community via a dedicated query interface at the ESO Science Archive Facility.

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