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APEX-LABOCA flux map of M83 released

Published: 08 Oct 2020

This new data release includes a flux map at 870 μm for the galaxy M83 (NGC 5236). It is obtained from the combination of the observations taken with the Large APEX Bolometer Camera (LABOCA) at APEX under the ESO programme id 081.C-0827(A), PI A. Lundgren, between 2008-06-19 and 2008-06-30.

The total exposure time of the flux map is 10.5 hours, it has a signal to noise ratio of 47 in the galaxy central region, while the inner spiral arms are detected with a signal to noise ratio of more than 3. The atmospheric window of 870 μm, in which LABOCA operates, provides the opportunity to study the dust in the interstellar medium and the grain size distribution.

More information is available in the release documentation. The data can be accessed via the ESO Science Portal or programmatically.

Joint first and second data releases of the X-SHOOTER Spectral Library (XSL)

Published: 06 Oct 2020

The X-SHOOTER Spectral Library project (XSL, aims to build a new, moderate-resolution stellar spectral library for use in stellar population modelling. Once completed the XSL will represent a significant improvement on current empirical stellar spectral libraries in terms of stellar parameters and wavelength coverage. The survey was conducted in two phases: a two-semester pilot survey (084.B-0869 and 085.B-0751) followed up by a Large Programme (189.B-0925), PI S.C Trager. The entire survey delivers spectra of a total of nearly 700 unique stars.

The joint science spectra products from the first and second XSL data releases are now available to the community via the ESO archive. The second data release (DR2) contains all the spectra obtained from the six semesters of the ESO Large Programme and consist of three segments that were observed simultaneously (UVB, VIS, NIR). If combined, the 1D spectra products cover the wavelength range between 300 nm and 2.45 μm, at a spectral resolving power close to R = 10 000. The spectra were corrected for instrument transmission and telluric absorption, and they were also corrected for wavelength-dependent flux-losses in 85% of the cases. The final spectra were corrected for radial velocity and are provided in the rest-frame (with wavelengths in air). The DR2 release supersedes the first data release (DR1) from 2014 (initially released via the XSL website only and now also available in the ESO archive as of October 2020), with a larger number of spectra (813 observations of 666 stars) and with a more extended wavelength coverage as the data from the near-infrared arm of the X-SHOOTER spectrograph are now included. The total volume of XSL DR2 is 0.7 GB. In DR1, 246 spectra of 237 unique stars were presented, which were observed during the pilot program, for a wavelength range that was restricted to the two optical arms of X-SHOOTER (300–1024 nm), for a total volume of 140 MB.

More information about the data release contents can be found in the accompanying documentation [PDF DR2, PDF DR1]. The data products are available via the science portal and programmatically [data DR2, data DR1].

First Data Release of the SINFONI Survey for Unveiling the Physics and the Effect of Radiative feedback (SUPER)

Published: 29 Sep 2020

The first data release of the SINFONI Survey for Unveiling the Physics and the Effect of Radiative feedback (SUPER, Circosta et al. 2018; ESO Large Programme 196.A-0377, PI: Mainieri) is now available to the community on ESO Archive via the Science Portal or programmatically.

ESPRESSO commissioning data release

Published: 03 Sep 2020

The commissioning runs of ESPRESSO started on 27 November 2017 with the ESPRESSO first light, and ended on 26 July 2019, after three major technical missions, when discontinuities in radial velocities might be expected.

New FEROS 1D spectra products published in the ESO Archive

Published: 27 Aug 2020

Archive users are informed that the in-house processed 1D spectra products for FEROS are now available for the months July, August, September, and October 2019. A total of 1432 new reduced 1D spectra have been added to the FEROS collection and are now downloadable from the archive science pages or programmatically. These newly processed science products complement the set of the already available ~60,000 1D spectra for FEROS. This service is now resumed following the suspension in February 2020.

First Data Release of the Fornax Deep Survey (FDS)

Published: 27 Aug 2020

The first data release of the Fornax Deep Survey with VST (FDS, Venhola et al., 2018, A&A, 620, 165) is now available on the ESO archive.

Second data release of the Next Generation Transit Survey

Published: 20 Jul 2020

The Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) is a ground based exoplanet survey designed to detect Neptune and super-Earth sized planets orbiting around bright stars, using the transit method. The NGTS facility consists of 12 fully-robotic 20 cm f/2.8 telescopes located at the ESO site on Paranal, Chile. Each telescope has a 2.8x2.8 degfield of view and is equipped with a custom filter with a bandpass of 520-890nm, which increases sensitivity to late-K and early-M stars.

Release of pipeline processed and telluric corrected KMOS 3D data cubes

Published: 16 Jul 2020

This data release provides 3D data cubes obtained from KMOS, the K-band Multi-Object Spectrograph. The instrument is located at the VLT UT1 telescope and has 24 image slicer Integral Field Units (IFUs) that can be placed independently in the patrol field of 7.2 arcmin diameter. Each IFU has 14 slices with 14 spatial pixels along each slice and a field-of-view of 2.8’’x2.8’’ which gives a spatial resolution of 0.2’’. Spectral resolving power depends on the grating and is between 2000 and 4200. This initial release consists of observations from October 2013 (i.e. start of operations) until February 2020. The content of the release grows with time as new data are being acquired and processed.

Data have been reduced using the KMOS pipeline version 2.7.3 or higher. Data reduction is executed first for each IFU containing an object. It includes sky subtraction, flat fielding, wavelength calibration, flux calibration, and cube reconstruction. Telluric absorption features in the individual cube spectra are corrected. For this, an atmospheric model is fit to the closest-in-time telluric standard star measurement using the molecfit software. This model is scaled with the airmass difference between science observation and standard star measurement and applied to the extracted spectra. Flux calibration is applied using the zero-point measurement from the same standard star, without assessment of the photometric conditions. Note that all standard stars serve both as telluric and as photometric standards.

The KMOS data collection is current to March 2020, when observations were halted because of the Coronavirus-induced lockdown. It will grow again with time as observations will resume, with future processing on a roughly monthly cadence. More details about the KMOS data and their structure are available in the associated Phase 3 data release description.

The KMOS data cubes tagged "KMOS" can be queried and downloaded using the Phase 3 generic query form which provides access to all Phase 3 data, or the Phase 3 spectral data query form with query parameters suited to harvest 3D cube data. KMOS data can be browsed and accessed via the ASP web interface or programmatically.

ESO Science Data Products standard version 6 published

Published: 23 Jun 2020

Version 6 of the ESO Science Data Products standard is now published. It is a complete revision and restructuring of the previously published version available on the ESO Phase 3 web site. It now integrates the information published as separate addenda and in the Phase 3 frequently asked questions also. A major effort has been devoted to improve the readability and clarity of the text. Errors and typos have been corrected. The new version of the standard can be downloaded as PDF document.

The Science Data Products standard specifies the structure and data format that reduced data products must comply with for successful completion of Phase 3 and integration into the ESO archive. The target audience consists of 1) principal investigators and their collaborators who return reduced data products resulting from ESO/non-ESO observations for public release to the astronomical community through the ESO archive, 2) ESO scientists involved in the QC process or in specific reprocessing projects, 3) instruments scientists and pipeline developers for the new and existing ESO instruments, 4) archive users who need to understand the structure and format of the science data products they intend to use for their own science.

The corresponding on-line data verification service to check the compliance of format and provenance with respect to the SDP standard has been updated to version 6. How to access this service from the Release Manager is documented in the Phase 3 instructions. A detailed summary of the implemented checks is available here.


VMC DR5.1: Incremental high level products released for the Vista Magellanic Cloud Survey (VMC)

Published: 18 Jun 2020

This data release (DR5.1) is based on the observations acquired between February 2010 and October 2016 of 42 VMC survey tiles encompassing the whole Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), the Magellanic Bridge and the Magellanic Stream components of the survey. The total sky coverage is ~40 deg2  in the SMC, ~ 20 deg2  in the Bridge and ~3 deg2  in the Stream. This release adds reduced and calibrated deep products (co-added tile images and related single band catalogues), together with a multi-band (YJKs) aperture matched, epoch merged source catalogue for more than 14.6 million sources, three multi epoch single band catalogues, a catalogue of variable sources (39406 records) and a PSF photometry catalogue. The total volume of this data release is about 166 Gb.

The data published within the VMC DR5.1 release are produced by the Wide Field Astronomy Unit (WFAU).

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