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The UVES Spectral Quasar Absorption Database (SQUAD) Data Release 1 (DR1)

Published: 21 Mar 2019

The UVES SQUAD DR1 comprises fully reduced, continuum-fitted high-resolution spectra of quasars with redshifts z = 0–5, with the primary goal of enabling statistical studies of large quasar and absorber samples at high resolution. DR1 includes 467 quasar spectra from the Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph (UVES) on the ESO-VLT. These quasars have at least one exposure in the ESO UVES archive (longer than 100 sec) that was observed before 30th June 2008. All exposures longer than 100 sec observed before 17th November 2016 for these quasars were then included in the final, combined spectra in DR1. In total, 3088 exposures were selected and successfully processed, with a total exposure time of 10 million seconds (2803 hrs; an average of 5.9 hrs per quasar).

The spectra are available from the ESO Science Portal or Programmatically. More details about the release content can be found in the associated Phase 3 data release description. Ancillary data are provided to allow users to reproduce, or improve, the full data reduction, processing and exposure combination to form the final spectra.

Fourth release of UltraVISTA Public Survey data

Published: 18 Mar 2019

UltraVISTA is an ultra-deep near-infrared survey of the central region of the COSMOS field. This fourth UltraVISTA data release comprises stacked images in YJHKs and NB118 narrow-band filters, as well as single-band and dual-mode source lists. The data release also contains a five-band merged catalogue, created from the individual Ks-selected source lists. 

The release is based on the observations carried out from 4 December 2009 to 29 June 2016, corresponding to 58138 individual images. The total exposure time contributing to this release is 1287.5 hours, and the total survey area is close to 1.9 sq.deg. With respect to DR3, the depth in the ultra-deep stripes has increased somewhat in all five bands (0.1-0.2 mag), while the depth in the deep stripes in Ks has increased by 0.9 mag, making the depth in the Ks stack much more uniform across the full 1.5 deg x 1.2 deg UltraVISTA field. The seeing in the five stacks is in the range 0.74-0.78 arcsec.

New data from the Kilo-Degree Survey: KiDS Data Release 4

Published: 28 Feb 2019

KiDS is one of the ESO Public Surveys carried out with OmegaCAM at the VST. Once complete, it will have observed 1350 square degrees in four filters (u, g, r, i). Born to be a weak lensing shear tomography survey, it will also map the large-scale matter distribution in the universe and constrain the equation of state of Dark Energy. Its secondary science cases include galaxy evolution to Milky Way structure and from the detection of white dwarfs to high-redshift quasars.

Stacked observing-block level 1D spectra are now added to the FLAMES/GIRAFFE stream

Published: 12 Feb 2019

All qualifying GIRAFFE Medusa data are now processed into stacked 1D spectra, whenever the observing block that created the raw products contains more than one SCIENCE exposure. Backwards processing of stacks for the historical part is also completed such that more than 360,000  1D spectra products are available as processed in-house products from the Archive Science portal. Single-exposure 1D spectra are also produced and can be found as associated ancillary files or as science products, if originating observing block contains a single exposure only.

First data release of the VVVX Public Survey

Published: 12 Feb 2019

The VVVX -VVV eXtended- is an ESO Public Survey that was approved as part of the second cycle of Public Surveys with VISTA. This project extends the VVV observing parameter space both in area and time. Primarily VVVX includes portions of the Southern galactic plane that were not covered by VVV. Furthermore it will provide additional epochs to the VVV area in order to improve proper motion precision and keep monitoring the long term variable stars.

First release of pipeline-processed APEX data: the Boomerang nebula

Published: 18 Jan 2019

The ESO APEX science operations team have now started the processing of public APEX archival data using standard calibrations. The released science data consist of a flux map.

Additional release of in-house reprocessed VIMOS images as part of the UK in-kind reprocessing project

Published: 15 Jan 2019

All VIMOS imaging science observations from April 2016 until the end of VIMOS operations in March 2018 have now been processed by ESO and are added to the VIMOS imaging data release. The latest release consists of 466 images and extracted source catalogues at the observing block level in Multi-Extension Fits (MEF) files, with a total size of 51.73 GB. The full VIMOS imaging collection of science data products consists of 38,100 frames with a total size of 1.9 Tb.

First data release from the Galaxy Clusters At Vircam (GCAV) ESO VISTA Public Survey

Published: 03 Jan 2019

Galaxy Clusters At Vircam (GCAV) is a survey belonging to the second cycle of ESO VISTA Public Surveys. It is aimed at observing 20 clusters of galaxies covering in total ~30 deg2 in the infrared Y, J, and Ks bands. It will mainly explore galaxy evolution over a large, and largely unexplored, diversity of cluster environments. The DR1 release concerns 9 clusters and contains tile images and related source lists from data collected over the period from October 2016 to the end of September 2017. For two clusters, RXCJ1514.9-1523 and RXCJ2129.6+0005 with complete observations during periods P98 and P99, deep stacks in Y, J and Ks filters are also released, as well as merged catalogues containing aperture matched photometry in the filter bands of the deep stacks.

First data release by the Next Generation Transit Survey

Published: 19 Nov 2018

The Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) is a ground based exoplanet survey designed to detect Neptune and super-Earth sized planets orbiting around bright stars, using the transit method. The NGTS facility consists of 12 fully-robotic 20cm f/2.8 telescopes located on ESO ground in Paranal. Each telescope has a 2.8x2.8 deg2 field of view and is equipped with a custom filter with a bandpass of 520-890nm, which increases sensitivity to late-K and early-M stars.

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