Which data are available through VirGO?
Status 26-Jan-2009
The advanced visual browsing features of VirGO are based on two new dedicated query services for images and spectra. Several highly processed data packages, a set of pipeline products as well as the majority of raw science frames (and their previews for some of them) are available through this archive browser. The number of science ready products and raw science frames and their footprints is steadily increasing. For further details on individual packages and for searching the full set of archived data including calibration frames and documentation please continue to refer to the archive web pages.
1. Science Ready Data Products
- GOODS/ISAAC data release (09/2005) (09/2007)
- GOODS/FORS2 data release (01/2006) (10/2007)/li>
- 30 Doradus/WFI data release (12/2006)
- GaBoDS data release (04/2006)
- zCOSMOS DR1 data release (10/2007)
2. Pipeline Products
- HARPS planet finder pipeline products by UNIGE, Geneve
- UVES pipeline products by ESO QC group
3. Science Raw Frames
Color code: The blue bar represents the total number of science frames taken for a given instrument (100%). The traffic light colors denote frames for which descriptions were either ingested in the query server (green), are about the be ingested (historic backlog in yellow) or failed for some non trivially resolvable reason (red). The sum of the green, yellow and red bars is 100%. Independent of the ingestion status is the fraction of proprietary data (cyan). Those are currently not accessible through VirGO.
Which data are missing ?
- Images from NTT telescope; entails EMMI, SOFI and SUSI; scheduled for Q2/2008.
- Polarimetric and interferometric frames; AMBER, EFOSC, FORS1, ISAAC, MIDI, NAOS+CONICA, SOFI, VINCI; not scheduled
- Images without valid WCS or multi chip geometries; all of AMBER, EFOSC2, EMMI, FLAMES, SINFONI, SUSI2, HAWK-I and some of FORS1, FORS2, SOFI, ISAAC, NACO, VIMOS and VISIR; scheduled for Q2/2008.
- Spectra and IFU data without a valid Ra/Dec. This affects a small fraction of EMMI, SINFONI, FEROS, FORS1, FORS2, GIRAFFE, HARPS, UVES, VIMOS and VISIR.
- A few ESO program identification codes are invalid. This affects a small fraction of APEXHET, FEROS, FORS1, HARPS, ISAAC and NACO.
- A few image modes are not identified in the documentation; SOFI.
- A few filter names were not found in the FITS Header. This affects a small fraction of FORS1, FORS2, ISAAC and SOFI; scheduled for Q2/2008.
- APEXHET data belonging to MPI are not stored in the ESO archive.
- 3.6m/HARPS GTO data with scrambled timings are accessible through a specific web form only.
- UKIRT/WFCAM raw frames are not supported; visit the dedicated WFCAM Science Archive instead.
- A small fraction of frames is hidden because data are inconsistent or incomplete.