Archive delivery on media and Pre-imaging requests

Published: 02 Sep 2013

Following the news of the 3rd of April, the media production service is now re-enabled. It is accessible via the dataportal facility which the user can reach after submitting a request using the "Request marked datasets" button. It now allows users to either instantaneously download the data they requested or request for their data to be copied onto a USB disk. The latter option is only available for requests totaling more than 400 GB. The USB disks are expected to be sent back to ESO within 2 weeks after reception.

In addition, the Pre-imaging requests service will be from now on also accessible via the dataportal facility. As before, an email will be sent to PIs to inform them that the products will be available within two working days. This will be followed up by a second email when processing has completed and the data are ready to be downloaded.