First data release from the Large Programme X-Shooting ULLYSES (XShootU)

Published: 25 Oct 2024

The X-Shooting ULLYSES project (collection name: XShootU, ESO observing programme ID: 106.211Z) aims to provide near-UV to near-IR spectra for the massive stars targeted by the HST Director’s Discretionary programme ULLYSES. This first public data release (DR1) contains UVB and VIS X-Shooter spectra (wavelength coverage of 300-1020 nm) of 232 massive stars in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC, SMC). All stars were observed in STARE Mode, using 0.8” and 0.7” slits for the UVB and VIS, respectively, resulting in a resolving power of ~6700 in the UVB and ~11400 in the VIS. The observations were spread on 102 different nights from October 2020 to Juli 2021 and include 129 LMC and 113 SMC stars. Both individual and co-added spectra are included in the release. Generally, individual exposures (INDIV1D) are available as ancillary files, and co-added spectra with UVB and VIS merged (COADD1D) as the main science spectra, except for some of the binaries, for which only the individual exposures are provided.
Detailed information is available in the related documentation.

Future data releases will include NIR data products and extension of the sample with sub-SMC metallicity stars, ULLYSES stars with archival XShooter data that were excluded from the large programme, and ULLYSES+ stars.

The spectra are available via ASP and programmatically. The DOI assigned to the XShootU collection is 10.18727/archive/95