Release of CO(2-1) spectra from the APEX Low-redshift Legacy Survey for MOlecular Gas (ALLSMOG)

The APEX Low-redshift Legacy Survey for MOlecular Gas (ALLSMOG, PI J. Wagg) has observed the CO(2-1) line in a sample of 88 galaxies in the local Universe (0.01<z<0.03). The ALLSMOG observations add information on cold molecular gas content of all sources in this sample which is already well characterized in terms of several derived and measured physical quantities (star formation rates, stellar masses, gas-phase metallicities and atomic HI gas masses).
The ALLSMOG Phase 3 release makes the combined CO(2-1) spectra available so users can derive further spectroscopic parameters, and compare them with other lines in these objects. The spectra either have peak S/N>3 or reach a uniform depth of 0.8 mK (31 mJy) per 50 km/s channel for the non-detections. Further details are given in the data release paper by Cicone et al. (2017; PDF) and the accompanying release description.
Instructions on how to read or display data in the ESO/SDP tabular data format can be found in the 1D spectrum data format help page.