buttons Frame containing dialog buttons. canvas Canvas used to add a scrollbar. entries Frame containing entries. title Title for window.
-buttons List {{label cmd} {label cmd}} of additional buttons to display. -command Called with list of values when Enter button is pushed. -labels List of labels, one for each entry to be displayed. -title Title for dialog. -values Optional list of values, one for each entry to be displayed.
cancel {} Called for the Cancel button. reset {} Reset to the original values. resize {frame canvas cw ch} Called when the window is resized. the arguments are the entries frame (in the canvas), the canvas and the canvas width and hight. set_entry {label value} Set (reset) the value for the given entry.
enter_data {} This method is called to enter the data when the Enter button is pressed. Call the command specified by the -command option with a list of values, one for each label. eval_cmd {cmd} Add the contents of this window as a list argument to the given command and then evaluate it. init {} Called after options have been evaluated.
entries_ Array(label) of entry widget for given label. initialized_ Flag: set to 1 after init.
Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
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