A DoubleTableList is an itcl widget for displaying two TableLists with arrows between them for moving items back and forth. You can access the left and right TableLists as itk components "left" and "right".
-exportselection -headinglines -headings -hscroll -leftinfo -lefttitle -rightinfo -righttitle -selectmode -vscroll
-command Command to evaluate when the list contents change. -updown Flag: if true, also display up and down buttons for moving table items vertically.
clear {} Make the TableLists empty. move_down {} Move the selected elements from the right to the left TableList. move_left {} Move the selected elements from the right to the left TableList. move_right {} Move the selected elements from the left to the right TableList. move_up {} Move the selected elements from the right to the left TableList.
Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
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