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The Eavesdrop Client Application

As discussed above, the eavesdrop client acts as an effective CCD for any RTDs running on that machine, receiving images from the eavesdrop server and forwarding these to the local server daemon. The name of the client `CCD' is RTDEAVESDROP; any RTD that wishes to receive images from the eavesdrop client must first connect to this camera name.

As with the server, the configuration file ~/.rmp_config must be installed. The camera and RMP group names listed here must be consistent with those used across the entire system.

To start the eavesdrop client application, go to the INSTALL_DIR/lib/rtd/demos directory and type rtdmcclnt . The following dialogue is produced.

From the top down: the title of the dialogue is a reminder to local RTD users of the name of the eavesdrop CCD. The camera connection below this contains the name of the remote camera to which the client is connected (when it is connected). The line below that is information on the current status of the application.

The Browse button activates the client browse scheme. The application considers each camera listed in the ~/.rmp_config file, and attempts to locate a remote server which is connected to this camera. This process may take some time. On completion, a list of active server connections is displayed, from which the user should select one (if there are no active servers, a message is produced to say this). The name of the camera selected is written to the "Camera connection" field.

The Connect button forms a link to the camera displayed in the Camera connection field. The status display updates to inform the user that the connection has been made.

The Close button disconnects from the remote camera and shuts the application down.

Disconnection from a remote camera is achieved either by exiting the application, or connecting to a new camera following a Browse. If RTDs wish to stop receiving images, they should disconnect themselves from the eavesdrop CCD.

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Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
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