Eavesdrop Server Options
The following options for the server operation are available from the dialogue itself:
Send type - allows the operator to determine whether the images should be transmitted as compressed FITS images or colour scaled X data. The use of the latter case, in which 8-bit data is used instead of the data's previous 16- or 32-bit format may be useful when large images are transmitted, although some versatility is lost from the point of view of the client as the number of colours in the image is predetermined by the server.
Send interval - allows the operator to enter the amount of time between image transmissions above a minimum which is also variable (see below). The actual time between send events is determined by the availability of images at the required transmission time, and also by the fact that the server can not transmit an image while another is being sent.
The following options are available from the eavesdrop server menu:
The File menu has only one menu item, Exit. This closes the application down.
The Options menu has four menu items:
Edit Minimum Time... allows the operator to change the minimum allowed time between image transmissions. The user will not be allowed to change the send interval to be smaller than this figure. The menu item brings up a simple entry dialogue to allow the operator to enter the new minimum time.
Edit Clients... allows the editing of the security file
. It simply runs a session of EMACS on the file. If EMACS is not present on the local system, an error message is produced. Concurrent (i.e. while the server is running) editing of the security file is still possible using a different editor.
Compression Type brings up another cascaded menu containing a list of possible compression types: UNIX compression, GNU compression, or NO compression. These options have an effect only if the send type is set to "Compressed FITS" on the front of the dialogue. It has been observed that the GNU compression gives slightly better compression than the UNIX version, although it may take significantly longer to execute. The NO compression option is useful over fast networks with small-medium sized images, where compression becomes less important.
Edit Window is considered separately below.
Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
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