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RTD [incr Tcl] Widget Classes

The RTD software includes a library of [incr Tcl] widget classes 1 . Some of these widget classes are based on the rtdimage extension or are designed to be used with it and some are simply general user interface components. Here is a list of the widgets designed to work with the rtdimage extension directly: (see the User's Guide for screendumps of these widgets):

Widget Class



An rtdimage in a canvas window, with optional scrollbars, support for rapid frames , spectrum lines, setting cut levels , etc.


Makes a color ramp or bar, used to display the colors in the colormap and manipulate the colormap by rotating, shifting, stretching, etc.


Popup window for selecting a colormap, intensity, color scaling algorithm and for controlling the number of colors allocated.


Combination of other widgets: displays the image with a zoom window, panning window, control panel and color ramp. Adds support for application menu commands.


Popup window displaying the pixel value distribution and various ways of setting the image cut levels.


Widget for displaying a rapid frame displaying a section of the image in the image window.


Control panel and information display for an RtdImage widget, displays X,Y coordinates, world coordinates and pixel values, min and max pixel values, low and high cut levels. Supports scaling, rotating, flipping the image.


Widget for displaying interactive performance testing data when the facility is toggled on by the perftest rtdimage subcommand.


Popup window to pick a star or object in the image and display statistics, such as FWHM, position, angle, etc.


A top level widget for displaying a section of the image and zoom controls, also for use as a rapid frame.


A Panning window for RtdImage: displays a small view of the image with a panning rectangle to control the portion of the image that is displayed.


Popup window displaying a table of pixel values while tracking the mouse pointer.


Displays the X and Y coordinates and pixel value at the mouse position.


Displays a label and a choice menu button for selecting and displaying the current image transformations (scale, rotate, flip).


Popup window displaying a graph of image pixel values along a line drawn over the image.


A Zoom window, displaying a magnified view of the X Image being displayed, while tracking the mouse pointer.


An alternative implementation of the Zoom window, using a magnified view of the raw image. This version is now the default, since it is more flexible.


Used to display a measure band over the image while dragging the mouse pointer (Button-3), with support from built in C++ methods.


Widget for controlling the front end of the performance benchmark tool.


Widget containing rtdrecorder and rtdplayback objects. Allows the real-time recording and playing back of CCd images.


Widget for selection of image sub-regions from cameras (used in multicasting applications, hence the name: see Appendix).


Popup window controlling the RtdServer communication for test and simulation purposes.

1. [incr Tcl] is an object oriented extension to Tcl that makes it easy to implement widgets at the Tcl level.

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Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
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