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 RtdImage - itcl widget wrapper for the rtdimage type extension






 RtdImage <path> ?options?


 The RtdImage widget is an [incr Tk] interface to the rtdimage extended
 Tk image type. The widget creates a canvas window with optional
 scrollbars and a canvas image item to hold the image. An optional
 canvas line graphics editor is also created by default, to manage
 drawing on the image.  The RtdImage widget can be treated pretty much
 like any standard Tk widget and can be inserted in a Tk frame with the
 pack(n) command. Applications using the RtdImage widget, can access the
 underlying image object and the canvas window to overlay graphics on
 the image.

 In addition to the methods below, this class also forwards methods
 implemented in the C++ rtdimage code. It is, however, usually more
 efficient to use the "get_image" method to get a handle for the
 internal rtdimage object and use it directly.


        Tk canvas containing the image.

        CanvasDraw(n) object, used to manage the canvas graphics.

        Optional horizontal scrollbar.

        Horizontal scrollbar frame.

        Frame to hold image and scrollbars.

        Vertical scrollbar frame.


 -borderwidth -canvasbackground -canvasborderwidth -canvasheight
 -canvasrelief -canvaswidth -relief


        Colormap initialization and directory for colormap and ITT files.

        Suffix for colormap files.

        Set the default color scale algorithm to one of: {linear log sqrt

        Default cursor.

        Debugging flag.

        Default cmap file.

        Default ITT file.

        Set displaymode flag 0 to optimize for smooth scrolling, 1 for
        faster updates and less memory (works best for main image).

        Flag: if true, set bindings to scroll with the middle mouse

        Fits image file to display.

        If non-zero, shrink image to fit height.

        For compatibility with saoimage.

        If non-zero, shrink image to fit width.

        Flag: if true, create a CanvasDraw object to manage the canvas

        Suffix for ITT files.

        Specify the max number of colors to allocate before using a
        private colormap. Note: this option is currently ignored.

        Maximum allowed scale value.

        Specify the min number of colors to allocate before using a
        private colormap. Note: this option is currently ignored.

        Minimum allowed scale value.

        -name option.

        Command to eval when a new image is loaded.

        -orient option for Pick Object window.

        Optional tcl command to be evaluated when a rapid frame is
        created, moved, resized or deleted: 6 args will be appended:

         name = unique name for the frame op  = {move,resize or delete},
         x, y = coords of upper left corner of frame in image width,
         height = dimensions of frame.

        Tcl command to evaluate whenever a "region" of the image is
        selected via the graphic toolbox "region" selection item. Can be
        used to select graphic items or a section of the image for an

        Flag: if true, display horizontal and vertical scrollbars.

        Short help text.

        This flag controls whether the FITS image data is kept in SysV
        shared memory (see the rtdRemote interface for use of this).

        This flag controls whether the FITS image header is kept in SysV
        shared memory (see the rtdRemote interface for use of this).

        Optionally specify TopLevelWidget to display short help messages.

        Flag: if true, display menus over graphic objects when selected
        with <3>.

        Flag: if true, use quick and dirty algorithm to shrink images.

        X shared memory option.

        X synchronisation option.

        Flag: if true, print diagnostic messages.

        Option to warp the mouse pointer.

        If true (default) create the GUI interface (toolbox), otherwise

        Name of zoom window to update when mouse enters this window.


 attach_camera {camera}
        Attach the named camera. .

 center {}
        Center the image in the canvas window.

 clear {}
        Clear the current image display and remove an windows that access

 delete_rapid_frame {}
        Delete the rapid frame.

 detach_camera {}
        Stop the camera.  note: race conditions might cause display to lag
        behind the socket data.  force an update here.

 flip {xy bool}
        Flip or unflip the image and canvas items about the x or y axis,
        as given by $xy.

 get_canvas {}
        Return the name of the underlying canvas widget.

 get_image {}
        Return the name of the underlying rtdimage object.

 get_imageId {}
        Return the canvas Id for the image.

 hide_graphics {variable}
        Toggle the visibility of the line graphics (The trace variable
        name is passed here, if 1, hide the graphics...).

 maybe_center {}
        If the image is smaller than the canvas window, center it .

 perftest {}
        Set the performance test mode on or off.

 pick_dialog {{command ""}}
        Display a dialog for selecting objects in the image and displaying
        information about the selected area of the image.

 pixel_table {nrows ncols}
        Popup a window to display a table of nrows x ncols pixel values
        from the image.

 preview {var}
        Set preview mode on or off in the image. In this case, the arg is
        the "name" of a global variable controlling the preview mode. It
        will be kept up to date by this class.

 print {}
        Make a hard copy of the image display.

 rapid_frame {popup}
        Arrange to interactively create a rapid frame to display a section
        of the image.  If popup is 1, the frame is displayed in a popup
        window, otherwise at the selected position in the canvas.

 record {camera}
        Methods for the playing and recording of images.

 reopen {}
        Reload the image file, if there is one.

 rotate {bool}
        Toggle rotation of the image and canvas items.

 save_as {{dir "."} {pattern "*"} {x0 ""} {y0 ""} {x1 ""} {y1 ""}}
        Save the current image or a section of the current image to a file
        in FITS format chosen from a file name dialog. If dir and pattern
        are specified, they are used as defaults for the file selection
        dialog.  If x0, y0, x1 and y1 are specified (canvas coordinates),
        then a section of the image is saved.

        The return value is the name of the new file, if any, or an empty

 save_region_as {}
        Save a section of the current image to a file in FITS format
        chosen from a file name dialog.

 scale {x y}
        Resize the image and the canvas graphics by the given integer
        factors (1 is no scale, -2 = 50%, 2 = 200% etc...) - deselect
        canvas graphics (so handles don't get scaled).

 set_rtd_wcs_info {frameid}
        Set up world coordinate info for an image received from the

 show_toolbox {}
        Display the toolbox window.

 spectrum {}
        Arrange to interactively create a spectrum line to display a graph
        of the image values along a given line.


 camera_post_command {frameid}
        This method is called whenever a new image has been received from
        the camera and displayed.  Update the widgets that need to display
        new values The frameid will be 0 for the main image and non-zero
        for a rapid frame.

 camera_pre_command {frameid}
        This method is called when a new image has been received from the
        camera and before it is displayed.  The frameid will be 0 for the
        main image and non-zero for a rapid frame.

 focus_ {way}
        Control the focussing of the canvas. Only take focus if the
        top-level window associated with this canvas has the focus (i.e.
        it's not in another toplevel somewhere). If this isn't done then
        mysterious raises of the main image window can occur with some
        window managers (mainly CDE, with click-to-focus).

        allan: 19.6.98: disabled the above behavior, since it causes
        problems with mouse warping and confuses people. Can't verify the
        CDE behavior...

 imageconfig_ {option}
        Utility to update an option in the image Note: this works
        automatically with "widgets", but itk doesn't work with

 init {}
        This method is called from the base class (TopLevelWidget) after
        all the options have been evaluated.

 load_fits_ {}
        Load a FITS file (internal version: use -file option/public

 make_rapid_frame {popup region_id x0 y0 x1 y1}
        Create a rapid frame to display a section of the image.  If popup
        is 1, the frame is displayed in a popup window, otherwise at the
        selected position in the canvas "region_id" is the canvas id of
        the object used to position and resize the image.

 make_spectrum {line_id x0 y0 x1 y1}
        Create a graph to display the image data values along the line
        just created.  "line_id" is the canvas id of the line.

 make_toolbox {}
        Make the graphics toolbox and menu.

 new_image_cmd {}
        This method is called by the image code whenever a new image is
        loaded (for updates, see camera command).

 picked_wcs_object {x y ra dec {equinox J2000} {fwhmX ""} {fwhmY ""}
            \ {angle ""} {object ""} {background ""}}
        This method can be used in bindings to cause a selection in the
        image (to pick an object/star) to return the given position rather
        than the calculated center pos. If the optional args are not
        specified, they are calculated.

 restore_scroll_pos_ {}
        Restore the relative scrolling positions.

 save_region {canvas_id x0 y0 x1 y1}
        Save the given section of the current image to a file in FITS
        format chosen from a file name dialog. The canvas_id is the id if
        the canvas object used to select the region . The canvas
        coordinates of the region are also passed as arguments.

 save_scroll_pos_ {}
        Save the current scrolling positions.

 set_drawing_area {}
        Update the allowed interactive drawing area in the canvas.

 set_scrollregion {x0 y0 x1 y1}
        Set the canvas scrollregion .


        Canvas widget.

        Canvas Id for image.

        Internal rtd image .

        Name of a global variable controlling performance test mode.

        Name of a global variable controlling preview mode.

        Saved x0 relative scrolling position.

        Saved x1 relative scrolling position.

        Saved y0 relative scrolling position.

        Saved y1 relative scrolling position.


        Flag: true if the colormap has been initialized.




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Last change: 07 May 99


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