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 Rtd - real-time image display application class






 Rtd <path> ?options?


 This class defines the top level window for the rtd (real-time image
 display) application.  The window contains a menubar with rtd related
 items, an RtdImageCtrl widget for displaying the image, and related
 info and a short help window.

 The easiest way to use this class is via the "start" method (inherited
 from TopLevelWidget).  This creates an instance of this class and
 passes any command line options as public variables to the class and
 waits for window to be exited. Alternatively, you can create the
 instance in the usual way for itcl classes and withdraw the main window
 ".", if it is not being used.

 One global variable is assumed to have been defined:

 rtd_library - dir containing Rtd Tcl sources.


        Optional RtdImage image icon.

        RtdImageCtrl(n) widget containing image and control panel.


        Camera name: default: $env(RTD_CAMERA), if set, otherwise

        Set the default color scale algorithm to one of: {linear log sqrt

        Height of the colorramp subwindow.

        Debugging flag: enables real-time simulation with $testProg

        Default (midas) colormap.

        Default (midas) intensity transfer table.

        Flag: if true, display a copy (view) of the image as an icon.

        Flag: if true, turn on zoom window.

        Flag: if true, set bindings to scroll with the middle mouse

        Image file to display.

         Float the control panel (better real estate control on small

        For testing: interval between updates in ms.

        Specify the max number of colors to allocate before using a
        private colormap (not impl.).

        Maximum allowed scale value.

        Specify the min number of colors to allocate before using a
        private colormap (not impl.).

        Minimum allowed scale value.

        Dummy option, used when cloning the main window, in place of

        Height of panning window.

        Width of panning window.

        Panel layout order: set to one of {saoimage reverse default} to
        change the layout ordering of the panel windows.  "saoimage" puts
        the info first, followed by pan and zoom, "reverse" reverses the
        default order, which is {zoom info pan}.

        -orient option for Pick Object window.

        Default port for remote connections (0 means system chooses a

        Flag: if true, display scrollbars to scroll the image.

        This flag controls whether the FITS image data is kept in sysV
        shared memory (see the rtdRemote interface for use of this).

        This flag controls whether the FITS image header is kept in sysV
        shared memory (see the rtdRemote interface for use of this).

        Flag: if true, use faster subsampling algorithm when shrinking
        images, otherwise use max pixel algorithm.

        For testing: name of test program used to generate real-time

        Flag: if true, use a "view" of the main image for the zoom window
        otherwise zoom directly from the X display.  The advantage of the
        first approach (-use_zoom_view 1) is that the zoom is accurate
        even when the main image is shrunken.  The second (-use_zoom_view
        0) is faster and allows more accurate positioning.

        Flag: if true, try to use X shared memory for images.

        Lag: if true, try to use X synchronisation.

        Flag: if true, print diagnostic messages.

        Flag: if true (default), show the color ramp window.

        Option to include grid button (default to off, since it doesn't
        work well yet on some images).

        Flag: if true (default) make a panning window.

        With performance tester utility in menu bar.

        Option to warp the mouse pointer.

        Flag: if true (default) make a zoom window .

        Default scaling factor (just for backwards compatibility with
        tcscam; don't use!).

        Zooming factor.

        Height of zoom window.

        Flag: if true, changes in main image scale will propagate to the
        zoom window, otherwise controls are displayed so the user can
        manually change it (ZoomView only).

        Width of zoom window.


 attach_camera {}
        Attach the current camera.

 clear {}
        Called for "Clear" menu item. Clear the image and delete all

 clone {}
        Make a new main window.

 detach_camera {}
        Detach the current camera.

 feedback {msg}
        This method can be redefined in a subclass to get feedback during

 quit {}
        Quit the application.

 record {}
        Methods for the playing and recording of images.

 setXdefaults {}
        Set default X resources for colors and fonts, and set some default
        key bindings. This is done in a method so that it can be
        overridden by a subclass.  These are built-in defaults that the
        user can also override in the ~/.Xdefaults file.

 set_camera {}
        Popup a window to query for new camera.


 add_file_menu {}
        Add the File menubutton and menu.

 add_graphics_menu {}
        Add the Graphics menubutton and menu.

 add_menubar {}
        Add the menubar at the top of the window.

 add_realtime_menu {}
        Add the Real-time menubutton and menu.

 add_view_menu {}
        Add the VIew menubutton and menu.

 init {}
        This method is called after the options have been evaluated.

 make_rtdimage {}
        Create the rtd image widget.

 make_short_help {}
        Add the short help window and add some help texts for the menu

 rapid_frame_command {frameId name op x y w h}
        This method is called when the user creates, moves, resizes or
        deletes a rapid frame.

        The args are:

         frameId = unique rapid frame id for use with rtdServer

         name = unique name for the frame

         op  = {move,resize or delete},

         x, y = coords of upper left corner of frame in image

         w, h = dimensions of frame.


        Name of main image (class RtdImageCtrl or a derived class).

        Pid of test prog used to generate rapid frames (debug).




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Last change: 07 May 99


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Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
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