QC1 Plotter

fors2_photometry: IMG: zeropoint, extinction qc1 parameters (details)



Select for plotting:

1. Plot Items
X axis Y axis Item Comment
mjd_obs average MJD-OB
zeropoint zeropoint
zeropoint_err error of zeropoint
colour_term colour term
colour_term_err error of colour term
extinction extinction coefficient
extinction_err error on extinction coefficient
num_ext number of STD images observed on civil_date
num_fields number of photometric fields used
num_nights number of stable nights used for calculation
date_range total date range (between first and last used night)

2. Filter by
filter_name filter name
det_chip1_id CCD ID
det_chip_num chip number (1: upper, 2: lower)
stable S: photometric conditions were stable over the night; Sb: stable at begin; N: unstable; U: unknown

3. Options
time range:
for plot: From To
for statistics: From To
plot options:
y scaling for plotting: y_min y_max
x scaling for plotting: x_min x_max
connect by lines mark outliers civil_dates
plot format: png gif ps
statistics options:
average none mean median least-square
error thresholds none 1 sigma 3 sigma 10%

Send comments to: <qc@eso.org>