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Help Page for Paranal Ambient Query Forms
This web page provides some help on the query parameters offered in the ESO
Paranal Ambient query forms.
Access is supplied through the WDB interface.
More information is available in the Astronomical Site Monitor Data User Manual (v3.0). List of the Paranal ambient query formsA short description of the available Paranal ambient query forms follow; each bullet item provides a link to the more detailed description of each query form, including more information on the related instrumentation.
The Differential Image Motion Monitor (DIMM 2016) channel of the MASS-DIMM instrument (developed by Sternberg Observatory, Moscow, and used for the TMT and E-ELT site surveys) is imaging a single star through two sub-apertures on a CCD. The MASS-DIMM instrument is attached to an 11″Celestron telescope on an ASTELCO NTM500 direct drive mount. It operates in robotic mode on top of a 7m high tower located 100m to the North of UT4. The seeing is defined as the Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of a stellar image at the focus of a telescope observing at 500nm wavelength and at zenith, limited by an atmospheric turbulence with infinite outer scale. The finite nature of the outer scale of the atmospheric turbulence results in an image quality of large telescope actually better than the seeing due to the reduction of the share of atmospheric image motion in the final image size.
Main parameters: | seeing, relative flux variations |
Time coverage: | 2016-APR-04 12:00:00 UTC onwards. |
Bibliography: | ![]() |
Access | the Paranal DIMM Seeing query form. |
Historical Ambient Data (DIMM3 1998):
This interface provide access to the historical Paranal ambient data measured by the old DIMM3 seeing monitor, starting August 1998 and up to the deployment in operations of the new Astronomical Site Monitor (ASM) in April 2016.
The ESO seeing monitor (DIMM1) was installed in April 1987, at the northern edge of the summit, and replaced by a more modern copy (DIMM3) in September 1990. Measurements were suspended in July 1991 for the 14 months duration of the levelling work. Seeing has been then monitored during the construction period of the VLT observatory with few interruptions. Finally, DIMM3, upgraded to VLT standards and fully automatized was re-commissioned in August 98 as part of the VLT Astronomical Site Monitor (ASM). The database includes only data starting from August 19th, 1998. All seeing values above 2.5 arcsec have been truncated.
Main parameters: | seeing, relative flux variations, wavefront coherence time τ0, isoplanatic angle θ0. |
Time coverage: | 1998-Aug-19 .. 2016-Apr-04 12:00:00 UTC |
Bibliography: | ![]() |
Access | the Paranal Historical Ambient query form. |
The Low Humidity and Temperature Profiling (LHATPRO) microwave radiometer, manufactured by Radiometer Physics GmbH (RPG), is used to monitor sky conditions over ESO's Paranal observatory in support of VLT science operations. The unit measures several channels across the strong water vapour emission line at 183 GHz, necessary for resolving the low levels of precipitable water vapour (PWV) that are prevalent on Paranal (median ~2.4 mm). The instrument consists of a humidity profiler (183-191 GHz), a temperature profiler (51-58 GHz), and an infrared camera (10.5 μm) for cloud detection. Three radiometers (identified by their LHATPRO ID) are currently available at different locations named Platform A, B and C.
Main parameters: | IR Temperature at zenith, Liquid Water Path at zenith, and Precipitable Water Vapour at zenith (LHATPRO) Atmospheric profiles of absolute and relative Humidity, and of Brightness Temperature (LHATPRO profiles) IR Temperature at target coordinates (LHATPRO IR temperature) |
Time coverage: | 2014-JAN-01 12:00:00 UTC onwards (LHATPRO ID = 1) 2020-FEB-13 12:00:00 UTC onwards (LHATPRO ID = 2) 2020-FEB-20 12:00:00 UTC onwards (LHATPRO ID = 3) |
Bibliography: | ![]() |
Access | the Paranal LHATPRO, LHATPRO profiles and LHATPRO IR temperature query forms. |
As of 2020-Aug-28, some parameters have been updated:
Scientific parameters | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Platform |
indicates the position where a radiometer is located: |
An integer used to identify a specific radiometer, which could be installed on different platforms, or even sites (e.g. moved from Paranal to Armazones), at different times. |
Telescope azimuth and elevation |
Telescope azimuth and elevation [deg] are provided to determine the direction to which the radiometer was pointing at the time of measurement. |
Target RA/DEC |
Right ascension and Declination of the target [deg]. |
IR temperature at Zenith |
Measured infrared (10.5 μm) sky brightness temperature at Zenith [Celsius]. |
IR temperature |
Measured infrared (10.5 μm) sky brightness temperature [Celsius]. |
Liquid water path |
Measured liquid water path at Zenith [g/m**2]. |
Precipitable Water Vapour |
Measured Precipitable Water Vapor (using the 183 GHz emission line) at zenith [mm]. |
Absolute Humidity |
Absolute Humidity Value [g/m**3] measured by a humidity profiler (183-191 GHz) at different heights [m]:
the reference (0m) is the VLT platform. |
Relative Humidity |
Relative Humidity Value [%] at at different heights [m]. See table above. |
Temperature Profile |
Brightness Temperature [K] measured by a temperature profiler (51-58 GHz) at different heights [m]. See table above. |
The Multi-Aperture Scintillation Sensor (MASS) consists of an off-axis reflecting telescope and a detector unit which measures the scintillations of single stars in four concentric zones of the telescope pupil using photo-multipliers. A statistical analysis of these signals yields information of the vertical profile of the turbulence Cn2(h). It gives the Cn2(h) for 6 layers placed at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 km above the telescope pupil. The combination of a DIMM and a MASS gives the possibility to measure both seeing and low-resolution turbulence profiles. The provided MASS-DIMM Seeing is in principle more accurate than the DIMM seeing but is only available when MASS produces valid data, i.e. in photometric sky only.
Main parameters: | Free atmosphere seeing, MASS-DIMM seeing, coherence time τ0, isoplanatic angle θ0 |
Time coverage: | 2016-APR-04 12:00:00 UTC onwards. |
Bibliography: | ![]() |
Access | the Paranal MASS query form. |
The Vaisala METEOrological station was installed in Paranal in October 1984 and upgraded in June 1998. It includes, on a 30 m high mast, a number of sensors. The following measurements are provided: Wind speed and direction, Temperature, Humidity, Particle Count at different levels. The meteorological stations compute and store average, root mean square and extrema of each parameter during a preset averaging period (20 minutes). The sampling intervals are 2 seconds for digital sensors (wind speed and direction) and one minute for analog sensors (Temperature, Humidity).
Main parameters: | Wind speed and direction, Temperature, Humidity, Particle Count at different levels. |
Time coverage: | August 1998 onwards. |
Access | the Paranal METEO query form. |
The SLOpe Detection And Ranging (SLODAR) is an optical crossed-beams method for turbulence ranging, based on the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor. The instrument, developed by Durham University and ESO, has been operating in robotic mode at Paranal since March 2011. It uses an optical triangulation method for the measurement of the atmospheric turbulence profile. The profile is determined from the spatial covariance of the slope of the wavefront phase aberration at the ground for the two different paths through the atmosphere defined by a double star target. It gives the Cn2(h) for 8 layers starting from the ground with a resolution that varies between 50 and 100 meters depending on the separation of the observed binary system and its zenithal distance. The instrument is optimised to measure the vertical profile of the surface layer of turbulence, in the first 100m above the site. The data is relevant to modelling and understanding the imaging performance of the VLT, both with and without adaptive optical correction.
Main parameters: | integrated Cn2 turbulence intensity above unit telescopes |
Time coverage: | 2016-APR-04 12:00:00 UTC onwards. |
More Information: | ![]() |
Access | the Paranal SLODAR query form. |