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C WDB Informix Interface

The Informix interface module was written by Curtis Wong (office curtis@ana.com, home curtis@crl.com)


To use the WDB Informix interface you will need perl ( version 4.036). The binary is not enough, you need the object file called uperl.o to link isqlperl, so you have to get the source and compile perl your self. The Perl4 source is available from :

ftp://ftp.uu.net/languages/perl/perl.tar.gz or

You also need isqlperl. The isqlperl source is availble from


Isqlperl is a set of user-defined subroutines letting you access an Informix data server using Perl. You will need the Informix development system to build isqlperl.


Follow the normal WDB configuration instructions, with the following exceptions :

Creating FDF's

Included is also an Informix version of mkfdf, called isqlfdf, which will produce a working template FDF file given a database and table name.


A sample form for the Informix Demo Stores database is included in the fdf/stores directory.

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Send comments to Benoit Pirenne
Mon May 1 19:21:09 GMT+0100 1995