column_name unit ucd description
abmaglim mag phot.mag;stat.max ESO-specific field not present in the standard ObsCore. 5-sigma limiting AB (Oke) magnitude. The quoted magnitude should refer to the total flux of a point source. Applicable to the following data product type: cube, image, and measurements.
access_estsize kbyte phys.size;meta.file Estimated size of the downloaded file in KBytes.
access_format   meta.code.mime The format of the downloaded file.
access_url   meta.ref.url A URL that points to the DataLink (VO Standard) service that is used to download the dataset, associated files, their provenance or derived products, etc.
bib_reference   meta.bib.bibcode URL or bibcode to the main publication that refers to the data set.
calib_level   meta.code;obs.calib Calibration level: 0-instrument (raw) data in non-standard format, 1-instrumental (raw) data in standard format, 2-science ready data with instrument signature removed, 3-more highly processed data. Ref. PRODLVL keyword in ESO SDP standard if present, otherwise: set to 3 when dataproduct_type contains token deep or tile, set to 4 for catalogs.
dataproduct_subtype   meta.code.class A data-provider/collection specific secondary type, e.g. srctbl or catalog for measurements, tile or pawprint for VISTA images, etc.
dataproduct_type   meta.code.class Logical data set type (image, spectrum, visibility, cube, measurements, etc.)
dp_id   meta.id ESO-specific field not present in the standard ObsCore. The original ESO identifier of the main science file. ObsCore uses obs_publisher_did, which returns the full IVO Identifier. This field can be used to join with other ESO (non-VO) tables, like provenance.
em_max m em.wl;stat.max Maximum spectral value observed, expressed in vacuum wavelength in meters; ref. WAVELMAX keyword in ESO SDP standard.
em_min m em.wl;stat.min Minimum specrtal value observed, expressed in vacuum wavelength in meters; ref. WAVELMIN keyword in ESO SDP standard.
em_res_power   spect.resolution The characteristic spectral resolving power (lambda/delta(lambda)) of the data set. Ref. SPECRES keyword in ESO SDP standard, computed from em_min and em_max when SPECRES not provided := central lambda / delta(lambda) = 0.5*(wavelmin+wavelmax) / (wavelmax-wavelmin)
em_xel   meta.number Number of elements on the spectral axis.
facility_name   meta.id;instr.tel Name of the ESO telescope utilised to gather the photons. Possible values are: APEX-12m ESO-3.6 ESO-NTT ESO-VISTA ESO-VLT-U1 ESO-VLT-U2 ESO-VLT-U3 ESO-VLT-U4 ESO-VST MPG/ESO-2.2, and more to come, plus any combination of those (comma-separated), or the word MULTI.
filter   meta.id;instr.filter ESO-specific field not present in the standard ObsCore. The ESO instrument filter name. ObsCore uses em_min, em_max, and em_res_power to characterise the transmission curve of the bandpass; this field can be used to improve readibility.
gal_lat deg pos.galactic.lat ESO-specific field not present in the standard ObsCore. Galactic coordinate: latitude; Image/tile/cube centre, barycentre of image arrays in MEF format ; spectroscopic target position; centre of the survey field in case of catalogues.
gal_lon deg pos.galactic.lon ESO-specific field not present in the standard ObsCore. Galactic coordinate: longitude; Image/tile/cube centre, barycentre of image arrays in MEF format ; spectroscopic target position; centre of the survey field in case of catalogues.
instrument_name   meta.id;instr Name of the instrument(s) utilised to gather the data; if the data set combines multiple instruments, usually the value MULTI is assigned.
last_mod_date   time Time stamp of last modification of the metadata
multi_ob   meta.code.multip;obs ESO-specific field not present in the standard ObsCore. A flag, either M or S. M-Multi OB means that the exposures from different telescope visits have been combined together; S-Single OB means that the product is the result of either a single exposure, or of the combination of exposures taken during the same visit, hence with similar atmospheric conditions, airmasses, etc.
n_obs   meta.number;obs ESO-specific field not present in the standard ObsCore. Number of observations participating into this data product.
o_calib_status   meta.code.qual Level of the calibration of the observable (e.g. flux).
o_ucd   meta.ucd Nature of the observable within the data set, expressed as an Uniform Content Descriptor (IVOA standard).
obs_collection   meta.id The name of the data collection the data set belongs to.
obs_creator_did   meta.id The original file name as assigned by the data producer, in form of a IVOA identifier.
obs_creator_name   meta.id The Principal Investigator either of the team that provided the data set to ESO through the Phase 3 process, or of the observing team in case the data have been certified by ESO.
obs_id   meta.id In case multiple data sets are available for an observation, e.g. with different calibration levels, the obs_id value will be the same for each data set the observation comprises. The obs_id should remain identical through time for future reference.
obs_publisher_did   meta.ref.ivoid IVOA dataset identifier for the published data set. It must be unique within the namespace controlled by the publisher.
obs_release_date   time.release The date when the data set becomes public.
obs_title   meta.title;obs It should contain a brief description (displayable in less than one line of text) specifying in scientific terms the content of the dataset.
obstech   instr.setup ESO-specific field not present in the standard ObsCore. Technique used during the observation. Normally, OBSTECH should be adopted from the keyword HIERARCH ESO DPR TECH of the original data.
p3orig   meta.ref ESO-specific field not present in the standard ObsCore. Possible values: EDP or IDP. EDP is for products prepared and certified by the astronomical community, IDP is for products generated and certified by ESO.
pol_states   meta.code;phys.polarization A list of the polarisation states present in the data set. It is serialised as a concatenated list of the possible values: {I Q U V RR LL RL LR XX YY XY YX POLI POLA} where the list separator is a slash /. Leading and trailing slashes must always be present; example: /YY/.
pol_xel   meta.number Number of polarisation states available in the data set.
preview_html   meta.ref.url;meta.preview The web (html) rendering of the preview, both for ALMA and LPO data. (The datalink offered by the access_url does not support ALMA data)
proposal_id   meta.id;obs.proposal The identifier(s) of the observing programme(s) this data set originates from.
publication_date   time.publiYear ESO-specific field not present in the standard ObsCore. The publication date is the time when the product has been made available to the user community (whether under proprietary period or not).
release_description   meta.ref.url ESO-specific field. It provides the link to the PDF document describing the release content, the originating observations, the calibration and data reduction procedures, the data quality, the data format, and the scientific context of the programme
s_dec deg pos.eq.dec Equatorial coordinate: Declination (FK5/J2000); Image/tile/cube centre, barycentre of image arrays in MEF format ; spectroscopic target position; centre of the survey field in case of catalogues. Ref. DEC keyword in ESO SDP standard.
s_fov deg phys.angSize;instr.fov Angular size of the spatial field of view the photons were collected from.
s_pixel_scale arcsec phys.angSize;instr.pixel Spatial pixel scale
s_ra deg pos.eq.ra Equatorial coordinate: Right Ascension (FK5/J2000); Image/tile/cube centre, barycentre of image arrays in MEF format ; spectroscopic target position; centre of the survey field in case of catalogues. Ref. RA keyword in ESO SDP standard.
s_region   pos.outline;obs.field The spatial footprint of the data set. For an ESO spectrum, the returned footprint is the position (s_ra,s_dec).
s_resolution arcsec pos.angResolution The characteristic spatial resolution of the data set; ref. ESO SDP standard: PSF_FWHM for images, SKY_RES for 3d cubes, assumed to be the APERTURE for spectral data.
s_xel1   meta.number Number of elements (e.g. pixels) along the first spatial axis.
s_xel2   meta.number Number of elements (e.g. pixels) along the second spatial axis.
snr   stat.snr ESO-specific field not present in the standard ObsCore. The average signal-to-noise ratio of a spectrum. Not applicable to other data product types.
strehl   instr.param Strehl ratio: Ratio of the intensity at the peak of the light distribution of an on-axis point source to the intensity assuming an ideal optical system limited only by diffraction over the aperture. It should be a value between 0 and 1
t_exptime s time.duration;obs.exposure Total integration time per pixel (in seconds); ref. EXPTIME keyword in ESO SDP standard.
t_max d time.end;obs.exposure Stop time in MJD; ref. MJD-END keyword in ESO SDP standard.
t_min d time.start;obs.exposure Start time in MJD; ref MJD-OBS keyword in ESO SDP standard.
t_resolution s time.resolution Temporal resolution (FWHM) in seconds; currently defined as := (t_max-t_min)*86400.
t_xel   meta.number Number of elements along the time axis (currently set to 1 for all observations).
target_name   meta.id;src The target name as assigned by the Principal Investigator; ref. Ref. OBJECT keyword in ESO SDP standard. For spectroscopic public surveys, the value shall be set to the survey source identifier, which shall be unique within the survey