column_name unit ucd description
access_estsize kbyte phys.size;meta.file Estimated size of the downloaded file in KBytes. It is only "estimated" as in general, FITS headers can be patched at download time, making the file size varying with time.)
access_url   meta.ref.url A URL that can be used to download the raw file; if the file is under proprietary period, only authenticated users with the necessary access rights will be given access to it.
datalink_url   meta.ref.url A URL that can be used to find the access points of the raw file itself, and of all its related files. Related files are: the calibration files necessary to reduce a science raw frame (see calSelector entries), and, if available, a (list of) calibrated product(s) generated out of it.)
date_obs   time.start;obs.exposure The content of the DATE_OBS keyword exposed as a string and not a datetime field (ESO_DATEADD_SEC does not work on this column, use exp_start instead).
dec deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main Declination FK5 J2000
dec_pnt deg pos.eq.dec;instr.tel Pointing Declination FK5 J2000 of the telescope
det_chip1id     Detector chip identification. Read from keyword DET CHIP1 ID (alias DET CHIP ID). Example: HASCI03
det_chop_ncycles     Number of cycles for chopping. Read from keyword DET CHOP NCYCLES. Example: 1
det_dit s   Detector Integration Time (Infrared instruments).
det_expid     Unique exposure ID number. Read from keyword DET EXP ID (aliases DET EXPO NO, DET EXP NO).
det_ndit     Number of exposures, each with det_dit integration time (Infrared instruments).
dp_cat   meta.code.class;obs Observation category: SCIENCE,CALIB,ACQUISITION,TECHNICAL,TEST,SIMULATION,OTHER
dp_id   meta.id;meta.dataset The main unique ESO archive file identifier
dp_tech   meta.code.class;instr.setup Mode/technique used for the observation
dp_type   meta.code.class;obs Type of observation/exposure
ecl_lat deg pos.ecliptic.lat Ecliptic latitude of the observation.
ecl_lon deg pos.ecliptic.lon Ecliptic longitude of the observation.
exp_start   time.start;obs.exposure The start time of the observation (format: ISO-8601).
exposure s time.duration;obs.exposure Total exposure time on target.
filter_path   instr.setup;instr.filter All filters. The string is in the format <value>,<value>,... where <value> is the value of one of the keywords INS.FILT*.NAME
gal_lat deg pos.galactic.lat Galactic latitude of the observation.
gal_lon deg pos.galactic.lon Galactic longitude of the observation.
grat_path   instr.setup All gratings. The string is in the format <value>, <value>,... where <value> is the value of one of the keywords INS.GRAT*.NAME.
gris_path   instr.setup All grisms. The string is in the format <value>, <value>,... where <value> is the value of one of the keywords INS.GRIS*.NAME. Example: GRIS_600B
ins_mode   instr.setup Instrument mode
instrument   meta.id;instr Instrument name
lambda_max nm em.wl;stat.max [nm] Maximum wavelength of the overall transmission curve (filter + detector + optics); currently available only for images.
lambda_min nm em.wl;stat.min [nm] Minimum wavelength of the overall transmission curve (filter + detector + optics); currently available only for images.
last_mod_date   time The last modification date of this record (format: ISO-8601).
mjd_obs d time.start;obs Modified Julian Date (JD - 2400000.5) of the start of the observation.
ob_id   meta.id;obs;meta.main The identifier of the ESO Observation Block, a unique numeric ID assigned by the Observation Handling System
ob_name   meta.id;obs The name of the ESO Observation Block
object   meta.id;src Target designation as given by the astronomer, though at times overwritten by the obeservatory, especially for CALIB observations. Compare with the similar field called "target".)
obs_mode   obs.param Service or Visitor mode
origfile   meta.id;meta.file The original file name as used on the instrument workstation at the telescope. Read from keyword ORIGFILE. Example: HD75289_0012.fits
period   obs.proposal.cycle ESO proposal cycle
pi_coi   meta.curation;obs.observer Names of the Principal and Co-Investigators
prog_id   meta.code;obs ESO program run identification code
prog_title   meta.title;obs.proposal Title of the observing programme
prog_type   meta.code.class;obs.proposal Program type: 0=Normal, 1=GTO, 2=DDT, 3=ToO, 4=Large, 5=Short, 6=Calibration, 7=Monitoring MAPPING
ra deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main Right Ascension FK5 J2000
ra_pnt deg pos.eq.ra;instr.tel Pointing Right Ascension FK5 J2000 of the telescope
release_date   time.release;obs The date at which the data become publicly available at the end of the proprietary period
s_region   pos.outline;obs.field This is the field to be used for spatial queries. Example: select * from dbo.raw where contains( s_region, circle('', 56.3, 20, 1)=1 to search in a cone of 1 deg radius around ra=56.3 dec=20. In output it provides the spatial coordinates of the raw data set expressed as POSITION ra dec, as, for raw data, the footprints of the observations are currently not available.
slit_path   instr.setup All slits. The string is in the format <value>, <value>,... where <value> is the value of one of the keywords INS.SLIT*.NAME.
target   meta.id;src Target designation (as given by the astronomer)
tel_airm_end   obs.airMass;time.end The airmass at the end of the observation.
tel_airm_start   obs.airMass;time.start The airmass at the start of the observation.
tel_alt deg pos.az.alt;time.start The Altitude angle (deg) at the start of the observation.
tel_ambi_fwhm_end arcsec instr.obsty.seeing;time.end The seeing measured by XXX at the end of the observation.
tel_ambi_fwhm_start arcsec instr.obsty.seeing;time.start The seeing measured by XXX at the start of the observation.
tel_ambi_pres_end hPa phys.pressure;obs.atmos;instr.obsty;time.end The atmospheric pressure measured by XXX at the end of the observation.
tel_ambi_pres_start hPa phys.pressure;obs.atmos;instr.obsty;time.start The atmospheric pressure measured by XXX at the start of the observation.
tel_ambi_rhum     The atmospheric relative humidity measured by XXX at the time of the observation.
tel_az deg pos.az.azi;time.start The Azimuth angle (deg) S=0,W=90 at the start of the observation.
telescope   meta.id;instr.tel The name of the telescope.
tpl_expno   meta.number;obs The exposure number within its template execution.
tpl_id   meta.id;obs The observing template identifier, a unique ID assigned to a template, that is, to a pre-defined sequence of operations involving any combination of telescope, instrument and detector actions
tpl_name   meta.title;obs The name of the observing template.
tpl_nexp   meta.number;obs;stat.max The total number of exposures for the given template.
tpl_seqno   meta.code.member;obs.sequence The template sequence number within the Observing Block
tpl_start   meta.id;obs;time.start The start time of the execution of the observing template, exposed as a string and not as a datetime field as this is used as an identifier (ESO_DATEADD_SEC does not work on this column).