# E.S.O. - VLT project/ESO Archive # who when what # -------- --------- ---------------------------------------------- # A.Brighton 11 Oct 95 created # M.Naumann 24 Jul 96 Updated URLs for catalog servers at the ESO # Science Archive (archive.eso.org and cgi-bin) # A.Wicenec 04 Jul 06 Updated entries for various catalogues and image servers # A.Micol 12 Aug 14 Updated entries for various catalogues after migration to Linux # A.Micol 15 Dec 14 Added support for Phase3 data # A.Micol 01 Oct 15 Added support for 2MASS PSC and UCAC4 from CDS # # Based on: # $Id: skycat.cfg,v 1.5 Wed Jul 05 10:02:06 CEST 2006 awicenec $ # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # skycat.cfg - config file for Astronomical Catalogs # # This file is read via http by the skycat software to get # the necessary information about the available catalogs. # # The syntax for each catalog entry is: # # serv_type: service type, one of: catalog, namesvr, imagesvr # (see Service Types below) # # long_name: long name of service for displaying # short_name: short name of service # url: URL used to access catalog, %ra,%dec, etc. expanded (see below) # # symbol: the symbol to use to plot the given column value # (see Plotting below) # copyright: any copyright notice applicable to this service # # Service Types #--------------- # # The valid service types are: # # catalog - server returns a tab separated table of row/col values # archive where the headings are followed by a dashed line # # namesvr - same as catalog or archive, except server returns a single # object with id, ra and dec to resolve the given object name # # imagesvr - server returns an image file # # # Syntax for "url" field: # -------------------------- # # The url field is used to build a URL to get the results via HTTP. # The syntax is like this: # # http://host:port/cgi-bin/server?arg1&arg2&...argn # # (if ":port" is missing, it defaults to 80.) # # Substitutions are performed on the URL as follows: # # %ra, %dec - coordinates of center point # # %w, %h - width and height in arcmin around center point # # %r1, %r2 - min and max radius (for circular query) # # %m1, %m2 - min and max magnitude # # %n - max number of rows to return # # %cols - list of columns to return (col1,col2,...coln) # # %id - ID field of item to return (if supported) # # %mime-type - value for http mime-type field # # Name servers only need the %id field, which is set to the object name. # # Plotting column values # ---------------------- # # The syntax for the "symbol:" field is as follows: # # symbol: col-name symbol expr : col-name symbol expr : ... # # where # col-name - is the name of the column to plot # # symbol - is the symbol to use, one of: # square, circle, triangle, cross, plus, diamond # # expr - is an expression in terms of the column used to # determine the size of the symbol at standard # magnification. The column name can be used as a # variable in the expression using "$". # example: # symbol: mag circle 15-$mag : xyz square (1-$xyz)*2.5 # serv_type: imagesvr long_name: DSS 1 (1.7") at ESO short_name: dss@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&mime-type=%mime-type&x=%w&y=%h&Sky-Survey=DSS1 copyright: Digitized Sky Survey (c) by AURA, provided online by ESO serv_type: imagesvr long_name: For slow network: Compressed DSS 1 1.7" at ESO short_name: dss_c@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&mime-type=image/x-gfits&x=%w&y=%h copyright: Digitized Sky Survey (c) by AURA, provided online by ESO #url: http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&mime-type=application/x-fits&x=%w&y=%h serv_type: imagesvr long_name: DSS 2 RED (1") at ESO, 98% complete short_name: dss2_r@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&mime-type=application/x-fits&x=%w&y=%h&Sky-Survey=DSS2 copyright: Digitized Sky Survey (c) by AURA, provided online by ESO serv_type: imagesvr long_name: For slow network: Compressed DSS 2 RED (1") at ESO, 98% complete short_name: dss_rc@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&mime-type=image/x-gfits&x=%w&y=%h&Sky-Survey=DSS2-red copyright: Digitized Sky Survey (c) by AURA, provided online by ESO serv_type: imagesvr long_name: DSS 2 INFRARED (1") at ESO, 87% complete short_name: dss2_i@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&mime-type=application/x-fits&x=%w&y=%h&Sky-Survey=DSS2-infrared copyright: Digitized Sky Survey (c) by AURA, provided online by ESO serv_type: imagesvr long_name: For slow network: Compressed DSS 2 INFRARED (1") at ESO, 87% complete short_name: dss2_ic@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&mime-type=image/x-gfits&x=%w&y=%h&Sky-Survey=DSS2-infrared copyright: Digitized Sky Survey (c) by AURA, provided online by ESO serv_type: imagesvr long_name: DSS2 BLUE (1") at ESO, 90% of North hemisphere only short_name: dss2_b@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&mime-type=application/x-fits&x=%w&y=%h&Sky-Survey=DSS2-blue copyright: Digitized Sky Survey (c) by AURA, provided online by ESO serv_type: imagesvr long_name: For slow network: Compressed DSS 2 BLUE (1") at ESO, 90% of North hemisphere only short_name: dss2_bc@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&mime-type=image/x-gfits&x=%w&y=%h&Sky-Survey=DSS2-blue copyright: Digitized Sky Survey (c) by AURA, provided online by ESO serv_type: directory long_name: ESO Catalogs (ESO up-to-date configuration) short_name: catalogs@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/skycat2.0.cfg #* DECOMMISSIONED July 2023: #serv_type: catalog #long_name: GSC-2 at ESO #short_name: gsc2@eso #url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/gsc2query?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&r2=%r2&%cond #symbol: {Fmag a e PA} {ellipse white {1-$e} {$PA} {} {$Fmag > 1 && ($e < 1)}} {{(20-$Fmag)*1.2} {}} : {Fmag e} {circle {} {} {} {} {$Fmag > 1 && ($e == 1)}} {{(20-$Fmag)*3} {}} : {a e PA Jmag} {ellipse green {1-$e} {$PA} {} {$Jmag > 1 && ($e < 1)}} {{(20-$Jmag)} {}} #search_cols: m1 Jmag(Brightest) : m2 Jmag(Faintest) #sort_cols: d' #sort_order: increasing serv_type: catalog long_name: HIPPARCOS catalog short_name: HIPPARCOS@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/generic_serv?-c.ra=%ra&-c.dec=%dec&-c.bm=%r2&-source=HIP&-mime=text/tsv symbol: B_T {square {} {} {} {} {$B_T>0}} {{(15-$B_T)/1200.} {deg 2000}} : B_T {circle white {} {} {} {$B_T == ""}} {{3} {}} serv_type: catalog long_name: IRAS PSC at ESO short_name: iras_psc@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/iras-server?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&radius=%r2&nout=%n symbol: ra triangle 2 serv_type: catalog long_name: PPM at ESO short_name: ppm@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/ppm-server?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&radius=%r2&nout=%n&mime=skycat symbol: mag circle {15-$mag} #* DECOMMISSIONED July 2023: #serv_type: catalog #long_name: QSO at CADC #short_name: qso@cadc #url: http://cadcwww.dao.nrc.ca/cadcbin/qso-server?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&radius=%r2&nout=%n #symbol: REDSHIFT {diamond {} {} {} {} {$REDSHIFT!=""}} {{2*$REDSHIFT+4} {}}: REDSHIFT {diamond {} {} {} {} {$REDSHIFT==""}} {{2} {}} serv_type: catalog long_name: SIMBAD short_name: simbad@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/sim-server?c=%ra%dec&r=%r2&n=%n symbol: mv {diamond {} {} {} {} {}} {5 {}} copyright: Provided by courtesy of CDS serv_type: namesvr long_name: SIMBAD Names short_name: simbad_ns@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/sim-server?&o=%id serv_type: catalog long_name: TYCHO catalog at ESO short_name: TYCHO@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/generic_serv?-c.ra=%ra&-c.dec=%dec&-c.bm=%r2&-source=TYC&-mime=text/tsv symbol: {V_T B_T} {diamond {} {} {} {} {$V_T!=""}} {{(11-$V_T)*2} {}} : {V_T B_T} {diamond {} {} {} {} {$V_T==""}} {{3} {}} serv_type: catalog long_name: TYCHO-2 catalog at ESO short_name: TYCHO-2@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/generic_serv?-c.ra=%ra&-c.dec=%dec&-c.bm=%r2&-source=TYC2&-mime=text/tsv symbol: {B_T V_T} {circle {} {} {} {} {$V_T >0 && $V_T <= 9.5 && $B_T > 9.5}} {{(13.-$V_T)*2.} {}} : {B_T V_T} {circle yellow {} {} {} {$B_T >0 && $B_T <= 9.5}} {{(13.-$B_T)*2.} {}} : {B_T V_T} {plus {} {} {} {} {$B_T > 9.5 && $V_T > 9.5}} {{(13.-$B_T)*2.} {}} : {B_T V_T} {circle {} {} {} {} {$V_T!=""}} {{(13.-$V_T)*2} {}} : {B_T V_T} {circle {} {} {} {} {$V_T==""}} {{3} {}} sort_cols: B_T sort_order: increasing serv_type: catalog long_name: UCAC2 catalog at ESO short_name: UCAC2@ESO url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/ucac2?c=%ra%dec&r=%r1,%r2&f=8 symbol: Jmag {triangle {} {} {} {} {}} {{18-$Jmag} {}} sort_order: increasing copyright: US Naval Observatory serv_type: catalog long_name: UCAC3 catalog at ESO short_name: UCAC3@ESO url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/ucac3server?c=%ra%dec&r=%r1,%r2&f=8 symbol: Jmag {triangle {} {} {} {} {}} {{18-$Jmag} {}} sort_order: increasing copyright: US Naval Observatory serv_type: catalog long_name: USNO-A2 at ESO short_name: usno@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/usnoa-server?%ra%dec&radius=%r1,%r2&%cond&format=8&sort=mr symbol: mag {circle cyan 1 0 {} {}} {{(25-$mag)/2.} {}} search_cols: mag {Brightest (min)} {Faintest (max)} sort_cols: mag sort_order: increasing copyright: Provided by courtesy of the US Naval Observatory serv_type: archive long_name: ESO Science Archive Facility: Raw Data short_name: observations@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/wwwdp_serv2?-c.ra=%ra&-c.dec=%dec&-c.bm=%r2&-out.max=%n&-source=public_dp&-mime=tsv symbol: ra {plus {} {} {} {} {}} {5 {}} : ra {square {} {} {} {} {}} {0.0833 {deg 2000}} serv_type: archive long_name: ESO Science Archive Facility: Phase3 Processed Data short_name: phase3@eso url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/wwwdp_serv2?-c.ra=%ra&-c.dec=%dec&-c.bm=%r2&-out.max=%n&-source=phase3_dp&-mime=tsv symbol: fov {circle cyan {} {} {} {$fov!=""}} { $fov/2./3600. {deg 2000}} : fov {plus cyan {} {} {} {$fov!=""}} {0.01 {deg 2000}} : fov {diamond green {} {} {} {$fov==""}} {0.00833 {deg 2000}} #* DECOMMISSIONED July 2023: #serv_type: archive #long_name: CFHT Archive at CADC #short_name: cfht@cadc #url: http://cadcwww.dao.nrc.ca/cadcbin/cfht-server?ra=%ra&dec=%dec&radius=%r2&nout=%n #symbol: ra plus 3 #copyright: Preview data provided courtesy of CADC/DAO/NRC serv_type: catalog long_name: UCAC4 at CDS short_name: ucac4@cds url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/ucac4_proxy?-out.form=SkyCat-Compatible&-source=I/322A&-out.max=%n&-oc.form=dec&-c=%ra%dec&-c.rm=%r2&%cond search_cols: f.mag {f.mag (min)} {f.mag (max)} sort_cols: f.mag sort_order: increasing symbol: "f.mag" {circle blue 1 0 {} {}} {{20-${f.mag}} {}} serv_type: catalog long_name: 2MASS PSC at CDS short_name: 2MASS_PSC@cds url: http://archive.eso.org/skycat/servers/2mass_proxy?-out.form=SkyCat-Compatible&-source=II/246/out&-out.max=%n&-oc.form=dec&-c=%ra%dec&-c.rm=%r2&%cond search_cols: Jmag {Jmag (min)} {Jmag (max)} sort_cols: Jmag sort_order: increasing symbol: Jmag {circle yellow 1 0 {} {}} {{20-$Jmag} {}} #** DECOMMISSIONED: # APM@eso # GSC-1 at ESO # GSC-2 at ESO # NED # NED Names # cfht at CADC (no longer working) # qso-server at CADC (no longer working)