-command Command to eval when sort options have been selected. called with 2 args: 1: list of sort cols, 2: sort order (increasing or decreasing). -table TableList whose layout is being edited.
apply {} Apply the changes (called for OK button). cancel {} Called for the cancel button. load {} Load the sort settings from the config file object. reset {} Reset the sorting parameters to the default values. table_sort {sort_cols sort_order} Default method called when sort options have been selected. May be overridden with the -command option. sort_cols is a list of column names to sort by sort_order is one of "increasing", "decreasing".
create_main_window {} Do the main window layout. init {} Initialize components. make_button_row {} Make the row of buttons at bottom. make_dlist_window {} Create a window with 2 lists - one for the headings and one for the sort keys. make_options_window {} Create a window for setting column options.
Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
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