TableListConfigFile is an itcl class (no windows) for managing the config file for the TableList widget. See also TableListConfig(n) for the user interface to this class.
-headings Column headings from table. -order List of headings, in the order they (and the columns) should be displayed. -sort_by List of col index: sort table based on given columns (empty means don't sort). -sort_order Set direction of sort: may be one of (increasing, decreasing) . -sort_type Set type of sort key: may be one of (ascii, integer, real) . -use_regexp Flag: if true, use regular exprs for matching, otherwise use wildcards.
get_option {name option} Return the value of the given option for the given heading name (see comments above for set_option...). get_options {ar} Write the current option values to the named array. get_order {} Return a list of column headings in the order they are displayed. load {file} Load the user config file (created by save) if one exists, otherwise set the default values. . save {file} Save the current information to the given file for later loading (with "load" below). set_defaults {{force 0}} Set the default values in case there is no config file or it was out of date If force is 1, set even values that are already set. set_option {name option value} Set the option value for the given heading name Options: Show (bool) - display or don't display the column Align (Left,Right) - for left or right justify Separator - set the separator string (goes after col) Wildcard - only show rows where wildcard matches Precision - number of places after the decimal for floating point columns. set_options {ar} Read option values from the named array.
headings_ Table column headings. initialized_ Set to 1 after initialization. magic_ Magic string for config files to keep track of versions. match_any_ String used to match any string. options_ Array(heading,opt) of option values. order_ Sort order. saved_headings_ Previous column headings - read from config_file. sort_by_ Sort keys. sort_order_ Direction of sort: may be one of (increasing, decreasing) . sort_type_ Set type of sort key: may be one of (ascii, integer, real) .
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