TableList is an itcl widget for displaying tabular information and headings in a Tk listbox. It lines up columns of data (specified in tcl list format) with column headings, optionally sorts the data by given columns, in a given order, can "hide" columns, rearrange columns, or display columns matching certain expressions. You can even print the contents of the table. This widget has been in use for a number of years and has grown to include quite a few features. It is well suited to displaying the results of database or catalog queries.
config_file This class creates an object for reading and writing an optional config file and managing table options. headbox Listbox used to display table headings. menubutton Optional menu with table operations.
-borderwidth -exportselection -headingfont -headinglines -relief -selectmode -width
-filtercmd Command to call to filter each row, hook to modify the row before it is displayed arg is is the name of the list holding the row (call by reference). -formats List of printf formats for columns (if not specified, will be calculated, see also -sizes). -headings Field names for heading - Note: specify before "-info". -hformats Print format string for the headings (set after -formats, defaults to same as $formats_) This might be different for headings if a column uses %f formats... -ignore_case Flag: if true, ignore case in matching (only works when -use_regexp 1 was specified). -info List of lists, one per line to display in table/list. -layoutcommand Command to call when layout options have been selected. -menubar Name of menubar frame in which to place table menubutton (optional). -order Set the order of the columns. -printcmd Default print command. -sizes List of column sizes (if not specified, will be calculated). -sort_by List of col index: sort table based on given columns (empty means don't sort). -sort_cols List of col names to sort by (empty means don't sort). -sort_order Set direction of sort: may be one of (increasing, decreasing) . -sortcommand Command to call when sort options have been selected. -static_col_sizes If true, reuse the calculated column sizes rather than recalculate for new info. -use_regexp Flag: if true, use regular exprs for matching, otherwise use wildcards.
add_row {newrow} Add a new row to the list and update the display. append_row {row} Append a row to the table. (call new_info when done). append_rows {rows} Append a list of rows to the table. calculate_format {} Calculate the print formats for table rows from the max column widths and options. The format string takes care of column widths, show/hide column and column separators. If the format was set explicitly (formats_flag_ = 1), use it otherwise, if the column widths are known (-sizes was set) use them, otherwise calculate the max column widths from the info list. The formats list uses %n$-s type format strings to set left/right alignment, width and order all at once, for example: "%-10s" for left justify, "%.0s" effectively hides the item... If the Precision option is set for a column, assume it is a floating point value to be formatted like: %6.2f for example (precision = 2). clear {} Make the table empty. edit_row {} Pop up a dialog window to edit the values in the selected row. get_contents {} Return the contents of the table as a list of rows. get_headings {} Return the table headings. get_option {name option} Return the option value for the given heading name. See above for list of Options... get_selected {} Return a list of the selected rows note: use disp_info_, since listbox contains formated lines. get_selected_with_rownum {} Return a list of {{rownum row} {rownum row} ...} for the selected rows. info_rows {} Return the number of rows being displayed in the table (after matching). layout_dialog {} Pop up a window to change the layout of the table and call the optional command when done. make_table_menu {} Add the table config menu items to the given menu. move_down {} Move the selected row down 1 row and make the changes in the info list. move_up {} Move the selected row up 1 row and make the changes in the info list. new_headings {} This method is called whenever the headings list changes. new_info {} This method is called whenever the info list changes. print {fd} Print the contents of the table to the open file descriptor. print_dialog {} Pop up a dialog to print the contents of the table to a printer or file. remove_row {row} Remove the given row (given by its value). remove_selected {} Remove the selected rows from the table and return them as a list of lists. restore_selection {} Restore the previously saved row selection. restore_yview {} Restore the previously saved scroll position . save_dialog {} Get a name from the user and use it to save the current configuration to a file under the user's home directory. save_selection {} Save a list of the currently selected rows so they can be restored later. . save_yview {} Save the current scroll position so it can be restored later. . search {name value} Search for and highlight the first row containing the given value in the named column. set_option {name option value} Set the option value for the given heading name Options: Show (bool) - display or don't display the column Align (Left,Right) - for left or right justify Separator - set the separator string (goes after col) Wildcard - only show rows where wildcard matches Precision - number of places after the decimal for floating point values. set_options {headings option value} Same as set_option, but works on a list of column heading names. set_row {oldrow newrow} Replace the contents of the given row with the new info Note: this assumes that no 2 rows are exactly alike. We can't use the row index here, since sorting and matching may mix things up too much. sort_dialog {} Pop up a dialog to sort the contents of the table. total_rows {} Return the total number of rows (before matching). update_sort_info {} Update the indexes ($sort_by) for the sort columns. xview {args} Scroll both the heading box and the main listbox syncronously (called for horizontal scrolling in listbox). yview {args} Scroll the listbox vertically.
delete_config {file} Get a name from the user and use it to save the current configuration to a file under the user's home directory. load_config {file} Load the named config file and update the display based on the new settings.
disp_info_ List of info to display (after filtering and sorting). formats_ Printf format string for table rows. formats_flag_ Flag: true if the -formats option was specified so that we don't have to calculate the format string for a row. headbox_ Box for headings. headings_ Table column headings. hformats_ Printf format string for table headings. hsize_ Array(col) of heading width. info_ Table contents as list of rows/cols. info_cols_ Number of columns in table . info_rows_ Number of rows in the info list (not including hidden rows). line_length_ Length of a line in the table. match_all_ Flag: true if match_list_ should match all rows. match_any_ String used to match any string. match_list_ List of glob expressions for matching rows to wildcards. match_proc_ Method to use for matching rows (match_glob_ or match_regexp_). menubutton_ Menubutton widget. num_cols_ Number of columns. ord_ Array(heading) of column order. order_ List of indexes in row for headings (indep. of viewing order). saved_selection_ Used for save_/restore_selection methods. saved_yview_ Used for save_/restore_yview methods. size_ Array(col) of col width. total_rows_ Total number of rows, including hidden rows.
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