hscroll Optional horizontal scrollbar. listbox Tk listbox. title Optional title. vscroll Optional vertical scrollbar.
-editable Enable/disable editing of rows. -hscroll Flag: if true, list will have a horizontal scrollbar. -title Title string for listbox. -vscroll Flag: if true, list will have a vertical scrollbar.
append {line} Append a line to the list. append_list {list} Append a list of items to the list. clear {} Make the list empty. clear_selection {} Clear the selection. deselect_row {n} Deselect the row with the given index. edit_row {} Pop up a dialog window to edit the value in the selected row. get_contents {} Return the contents of the listbox as a tcl list. get_selected {} Return a list of the selected items. move_down {} Move the selected row down 1 row. move_up {} Move the selected row up 1 row. num_selected {} Return the number of rows currently selected in the table. remove_selected {} Remove the selected items from the listbox and return them as a list. select_row {n {clear 1}} Select the row with the given index. If clear is 1, clear the selection first. select_rows {from to} Select a range of rows. set_contents {list} Set the contents of the listbox from the list. set_row {oldrow newrow} Replace the contents of the given row with the new row Note: this assumes that no 2 rows are exactly alike. show_last_row {} Scroll to the end of the table and display the last set of rows.
Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
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