CanvasDraw is an [incrTcl] widget class that an application can use to add interactive drawing capabilities to any Tk canvas. Since it is a subclass of TopLevelWidget, it creates its own toplevel window containing a drawing mode selection section and an option section for setting colors, fonts, line thickness, arrow types, etc. The window can be hidden on startup by specifying the "-withdraw 1" option inherited from TopLevelWidget.
bot Button frame at bottom of window. clear Clear button. close Close button. delete Delete button. drawmodes Frame containing drawing mode buttons. options Frame containing option menubuttons for graphic items. $drawing_mode Drawing mode buttons (anyselect, region, line, rectangle, oval, polyline, polygon, text). $menu LabelMenu(n) items for changing options on graphic objects. (Width Arrow ArrowShape Fill Outline Stipple Font Smooth).
-arrowshape Default arrow shape for lines. -arrowtype Default arrow type for lines. -bbox Specify bounding box of interactive drawing area as a list {x0 y0 x1 y1}. -canvas Canvas window. -clipping Flag: if true, keep graphics within the specified bounding box (-bbox option). -colors List of colors for menu. -defaultcursor Default cursor when not drawing. -drawcursor Cursor when drawing graphics. -fillcolor Default fill color for drawing. -fonts Default list of fonts for font menu. -gripfill Fill color of selection grips. -gripoutline Outline color of selection grips. -gripwidth Size of selection grips. -linecursor Cursor displayed over simple lines for resizing. -linestipple Default stipple for lines. -linewidth Default line width for drawing. -outlinecolor Default color for outlines. -regioncommand Tcl command to evaluate whenever a "region" object is created, if no specific "create" command was specified. -regioncursor Cursor when creating region items (dashed box marking a region). -show_object_menu Flag: if true, display menus over graphic objects when selected with <3>. -show_selection_grips Flag: if true, display selection grips when an item is selected. -smooth Default value for smooth option. -stipplepattern Default stipple pattern for drawing. -textcursor Cursor when creating text items. -textfont Default text item font. -withrotate If true (default) use polygons for rectangles to support rotation in Tcl (Tk doesn't support rotating, but polygons can be rotated in Tcl code). Subclasses that define rotation by adding new canvas objects can set this option to 0. -withtoolbox If true (default) create the GUI interface (toolbox), otherwise don't.
add_menuitems {m} Create the menu items in the given menu. add_notify_cmd {id cmd {update_flag 0}} Arrange to have cmd evaluated whenever the given object is moved or resized. id is the canvas id of the object, If update_flag is 1, $cmd is also evaluated while the item is being moved or resized, otherwise only when the operation is done. add_object_bindings {id {target_id ""}} Set up the canvas object bindings. target_id defaults to id. If target_id is specified, it will receive the events instead of id. adjust_line_selection {id} Adjust the selection handles for the given simple line. adjust_object_selection {id} Adjust the selection handles for the given object to fit the new size/pos. check_deselect {} If the mouse is not over an object, deselect all objects. clear {} Delete all canvas items. clip {px py} Clip the given point to keep it over the drawing area. config_selected {option value} Apply the given option to the selected canvas items. create_done {x y} Finish creation of the current object and call the "create" command, if one was specified, otherwise, for region items, call the region command, if defined. create_object {x y} Create a new object in the canvas. delete_object {id} Delete the given canvas item. delete_selected_objects {} Delete the selected canvas items. deselect_object {id} Deselect the given object. deselect_objects {} Deselect all canvas objects. flipx {item maxx} Flip the named item(s) on the X axis by subtracting the x coordinates from $maxx. flipy {item maxy} Flip the named item(s) on the Y axis by subtracting the y coordinates from $maxy. item_has_tag {item tag} Return 1 if the given item has the given tag. item_is_selected {item} Return 1 if the given item is currently selected. remove_notify_cmd {id} Remove the notify command for the given canvas id. reset_cursor {} Set the cursor for the canvas window back to the previous one, unless we are in the middle of a resize operation. rotate {item} Exchange the X and Y coords for the given item (not really rotate...). rotate_point {x y cx cy angle} Rotate the given point about the given center point by the given angle (in radians) and return a list {x y} as the result. select_object {id {any 0}} Select the given object by drawing 8 little grips on it, or for text objects, if any==1 and the selection type is "anyselect", select the text in the object. The grips have the tag "grip" and the object gets the tag "$w_.selected". select_only_object {id x y} Select only the given object. select_region {x0 y0 x1 y1} This method is called when a region object has been created to select a region of the canvas. All objects in the region are selected and if a region command option was specified, the command is evaluated with the bounding box of the region. selected_items {} Return a list of all of the currently selected items. set_arrowshape {list} Set the arrow shape default and for any selected objects. set_arrowtype {t} Set the arrow type default and for any selected objects. set_cursor {cursor} Set the cursor for the canvas window and save the previous cursor for later restoration. set_drawing_mode {type {create_cmd ""}} Set the type of object to draw (line, oval, ...) If create_cmd is specified, it is called with the coordinates of the new object when its creation is completed. set_fillcolor {c} Set the fill color default and for any selected objects note: if the stipple is invisible (see through), make it solid to make sure fill is visible. set_linewidth {w} Set the line width default and for any selected objects. set_menu_state {state} Enable or disable the drawing items in the menu (enable is state is "normal", disable if "disabled". set_outlinecolor {c} Set the outline color default and for any selected objects. set_smooth {bool} Set the smooth option for drawing . set_stipplepattern {index} Set the stipple pattern default and for any selected objects index is the pattern number (corresponding to pat$index.xbm). set_textfont {f} Set the text font default and for any selected objects.
add_poly_point {x y} Add a point to the curent polygon/polyline. check_done {x y {update_method "update_object"}} Check if object creation is done: if the button has moved since it was pressed, we are done, otherwise dragging continues without the button pressed. update_method is the method to call to update the object, if needed. create_arc {x y} Create and return a new arc object. create_freehand {x y} Create and return a new freehand object. create_label {x y} Create and return a new label (entry) object. create_line {x y} Create and return a new line object. create_oval {x y} Create and return a new oval object. create_polygon {x y} Create and return a new polygon object. create_polyline {x y} Create and return a new polyline object. create_rectangle {x y} Create and return a new rectangle object (actually create a polygon object in the shape of a rectangle, since it is more flexible and can be rotated). create_region {x y} Create and return a new region (dashed rectangle marking a region of the canvas). create_text {x y} Create and return a new text object. create_text_done {x y} Finish creation of the current text object. draw_line_selection_grips {id} Draw the selection grips for a simple line. Lines get one grip at each end. draw_selection_grips {id {type ""}} Draw the object selection grips (small boxes similar to those used by FrameMaker and used to move and resize the object). Lines (see above) get one at each end, other objects (here) get one at each corner and side of the object's bounding box. If type is "polygon" or "line", rotation bindings are also enabled (with <Control-...>). end_move {id} This method is called when a move operation is done. end_resize {id} Stop resizing the selected object. end_resize_line {id} Stop resizing the selected line. end_rotate {id} Stop rotating the selected object. get_line_color {} Return a color for a line that will be visible. init {} This method is called after the constructor have completed. make_drawmode_frame {} Create the frame for selecting draw types (line, oval, ...) in the given frame. make_object_menu {} Create the canvas item menu. make_options_frame {} Create the draw options frame (line width, color, etc...). mark {x y} Mark (remember) the current position. move_object {id x y} Move the given object. post_object_menu {x y} Post the object menu at the mouse cursor position. If an item is selected, post the menu with the items enabled. resize_label {text rect tag} Resize the rectangle for a label to fit the text. resize_line {id x y side constrain} Resize the given line. start_resize {id x y side} Start resizing the selected object (19.9.96: added changes from pbiereic). start_rotate {id x y} Start rotating the selected object. toggle_select_object {id x y} If the object is selected, deselect it, otherwise select it. update_display_from_object {id} Update the display to show the options for the given canvas item. update_freehand {x y} Update the current freehand object in the canvas with the new x, y end points. update_line {x y {constrain 0}} Update the current line object in the canvas with the new x, y end points. update_object {x y {constrain 0}} Update the current object in the canvas with the new x, y end points. update_poly_object {x y} Update the current polygon/polyline object in the canvas with the new x, y end points. update_rectangle {x y {constrain 0}} Update the current rectangle (or polygon, so we can rotate it) object in the canvas with the new x, y end points. update_region {x y {constrain 0}} Update the current region object (dashed rectangle used for marking a region on the canvas). update_resize {id x y side constrain} Update the resizing of the selected object (updated with changes from pbiereic, 19.9.96). update_rotate {id x y} Update the rotating of the selected object.
arrowshapes_ Available arrow shapes for canvas lines (corresponds to bitmaps named ar$1_$2_$3). canvasX_ Strings used in bindings to translate %x to canvas coords. canvasY_ Strings used in bindings to translate %y to canvas coords. canvas_ Canvas widget. create_cmd_ Command to evaluate when the current item has been created. dragx_ Flag: true if resizing on X axis. dragy_ Flag: true if resizing on Y axis. drawing_ Flag, true if drawing currently. drawing_mode_ Current draw type. drawing_modes_ List of drawing types . endx_ Ending x coord of object being drawn. endy_ Ending y coord of object being drawn. menu_ Saved menu (optional, from caller's menubar) with drawing commands for setting the state of the menu items. moved_ Array(id) of flag: set if object with id was moved. notify_ Array(id) of tcl command to evaluate when object given by canvas id is moved or scaled. notify_update_ Same as notify_ above, but indicates command should be evaluated while item is being moved or resized. obj_coords_ List of coords for current object being created. obj_id_ Canvas id of the current canvas item. object_menu_ Popup menu for canvas items. option_map_ Array(canvasID,option) of option to use instead for that id. posx2_ X2 pos for resize operations. posx_ X pos for resize operations. posy2_ Y2 pos for resize operations. posy_ Y pos for resize operations. prev_cursor_ Saved previous cursor for canvas. regions_ Array(canvasId) of region ids, used to keep these from rotating. resizing_ Flag: true if currently resizing an item. rotate_angle_ Current rotation angle of object. rotate_cursor_ Cursor to use in rotate mode. rotate_cx_ Center X coordinate of object being rotated. rotate_cy_ Center Y coordinate of object being rotated. startx_ Starting x coord of object being drawn. starty_ Starting y coord of object being drawn. stipple_index_ Index of stipple bitmap (0 .. 15, 7 is see through, see -stipplepattern). tag_count_ Counter used for compound objects to generate canvas tags. x0_ X0 of bounding box of interactive drawing area. x1_ X1 of bounding box of interactive drawing area. xoffset_ X offset for move operations. y0_ Y0 of bounding box of interactive drawing area. y1_ Y1 of bounding box of interactive drawing area. yoffset_ Y offsets for move operations.
cursors_ Array(direction={n,w,e,s,nw,ne,sw,se}) of cursor names for selection handles. pi_ Const PI. rad_ Const PI/180.
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