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util - Collection of C++ utility routines


#include "util.h"

char** copyArray(int len, char** ar);
char* stripWhiteSpace(char* p);
const char* fileSuffix(const char* p);
const char* fileBasename(const char* p);
const char* fileRealname(const char* filename, char* buf, int buflen);
int fileSize(const char* filename);
int fileAbsPath(const char* filename, char* path, int pathlen, int& flag);
int readUnbufferedLine(int fd, char* ptr, int maxlen);
int readUnbufferedBytes(int fd, char* ptr, int nbytes);
int writeUnbufferedLine(int fd, char* ptr);
int writeUnbufferedBytes(int fd, char* ptr, int nbytes);
int localSockConnect(int& sock, int port);
int localSockListen(int& sock, int& port);


A number of general purpose C++ routines have been gathered here. Most of these
should probably be in more specialized C++ String or File classes.


copyArray(len, ar);
        Make a copy of the given string array in a single buffer.

        Strip white space from string p by returning offset in string
        and setting trailing white space to '\0'.

        Return the suffix of the string p (part following ".", if

        Return the basename of the filename p (part following last
        "/", if any).

fileRealname(filename, buf, buflen);
        Get the real name of the given file, which may be the name of
        a symbolic link. If the file exists, the resolved name is
        written to the given buffer and returned, otherwise a pointer
        to the original filename is returned. No error message is
        generated here.

        Return the size of the file in bytes or -1 on error.

fileAbsPath(filename, path, pathlen, flag);
        If filename is not an absolute path (starting with '/'), write
        an absolute path for it to "path". Sets flag to 1 if path was

readUnbufferedLine(fd, ptr, maxlen);
        Read a line from the given file descriptor one byte at a time,
        with no buffering, into the given buffer of the given length
        (for sockets and pipes, stdin, ...).

readUnbufferedBytes(fd, ptr, nbytes);
        Read nbytes bytes from the given file descriptor into the
        given buffer, with no buffering.

int writeUnbufferedLine(int fd, char* ptr);
        Write the given buffer (ptr) using unbuffered I/O to the given
        file descriptor, followed by a newline.

int writeUnbufferedBytes(int fd, char* ptr, int nbytes);
        Write nbytes bytes to the given file descriptor using
        unbuffered I/O (for sockets and pipes, stdin,...).

int localSockConnect(int& sock, int port);
        Open a socket connection on the given port on teh local host.

int localSockListen(int& sock, int& port);
        Open a socket and start listening on the given port (or choose
        port, if 0).


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Last change: 07 May 99


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