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Skycat Programmer's Manual

The skycat techical documentation, like the application itself, is divided into five parts. Skycat is based on the Real-Time display and Catalog Library packages, which are in turn based on two utility packages: one general purpose and one for astronomy related utilities.

The HTML versions below were generated from the FrameMaker docs:

 Skycat - Combines the rtd image display features with catalog searching features for the skycat application

 Catlib - Astronomical catalog library and widgets for searching catalogs and browsing catalog directories

 RTD - Real-time image display widget and application

 Astrotcl - A collection of Tcl and C++ classes for astronomical software (image I/O, compression, world coordinates)

 Tclutil - A General purpose Tcl and C++ utility classes and widgets

Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
Copyright © 1996 ESO - European Southern Observatory

Last modified: Wed Jun 14 09:59:30 MET DST 2000