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Build the RTD Software

To make the RTD software, configure and make as follows:

	make all 
	make install

The default install dir is /usr/local. You can specify the -prefix argument to configure to change this:

As an alternative, if the environment variable TCLTK_ROOT is set, it is used as the default top level directory fo Tcl/Tk.

The rtd configure script read files produced by the tclutil and astrotcl package configure scripts (tclutilConfig.sh and astrotclConfig.sh) to determine most compiler and shared library options and Tcl package path names. If you want to use a different compiler or shared library option, you need to reconfigure the tclutil and astrotcl packages first.

The default compilers used are g++ and gcc. If you wish to use another compiler, such as CC and cc, you can do something like this:

If you prefer using shared libraries and loadable Tcl modules (see If you are using shared libraries ) configure with:

Note that if you are using g++, you must also have libg++ compiled as a shared library for this to work (libg++-2.7.2 also has the "--enable-shared" option) (This requires gcc- or newer on HP-UX).

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Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
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