The RtdServerTool [incr Tk] widget class, a subclass of TopLevelWidget, is used to manage a simulation of real-time image updates by communicating with the rtdServer and offering a Tcl level interface to it. A toplevel window is created with widgets for loading a FITS file for the simulation, setting a timer for image updates and starting and stopping the simulation. Note: the simulation done with this class does not work for rapid frames.
close {} Stop all actions and delete the window. etcl {cmd} Send the given command to rtd to be evaluated and return the result. loadImage {{errdiag 1}} Specify an image to use for the simulation. lock {} This method is called when the "Lock" button is pressed. rapidFrame {id x y w h} Initialize or modify a rapid frame. The args are: the frame id (a number), the x,y coords of the frame and the width and height. removeRapidFrame {id} Remove the rapid frame given by the id. simStart {} Start the simulation. simStop {} Stop the simulation. timerSet {} Set the simulation timer.
chooseFile {} Display the a file browser and get the name of a FITS file to load. init {} This method is called after the constructors have completed. readInput {} This method is called whenever there is data to read on the rtdServer socket. This is used to determine when the rtdServer has died.
readFd Read file descriptor for rtdServer. rtd_fd File descriptor returned by connect_to_rtd. writeFd Write file descriptor for rtdServer.
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