This widget is used to display rapid frames in a popup window for an RtdImage widget. A rapid frame is an instance of a RtdImage widget that displays a small section of the main image and can be updated faster with real-time images because it is smaller than the main image. The area in the main image being used for the rapid frame is marked with one black and one white dashed rectangle. The rapid frame can be moved or resized in in the same way as any other graphic objects by dragging with the left mouse button over it or on one of the 8 resize handles displayed around it when it is selected. One of the dashed rectangles shows the current position of the rapid frame while the other one shows the new position and size being set. Creating and manipulating a rapid frame usually involves communication with the rtdServer and camera, to tell the camera to start sending images at the given rate from the given area. Since this is very application specific, you can arrange to have your own Tcl command evaluated whenever a rapid frame is created, moved, resized or deleted. See the RtdImage(n) -rapid_frame_command option for how to do this. Note that currently, only one rapid frame is allowed at a time. Creating a second one automatically deletes the first. This may be changed in a future release.
image RtdImage(n) widget to display in a popup window. info RtdImagePanel(n) widget, control panel. mband RtdImageMBand(n) widget: The "measure band" is displayed while the right mouse button is pressed to show the distance between points.
-command This tcl command is evaluated whenever the frame is created moved, resized or deleted: 7 arguments will be appended to the command before it is evaluated: frameId: Unique rapid frame id for use with rtdServer. name: Unique name for the frame. op: Operation: one of: move,resize or delete. x, y: Coordinates of upper left corner of frame in main image. width, height: Dimensions of rapid frame. -height Height of image frame. -max_scale Maximum allowed scale value. -min_scale Minimum allowed scale value. -region_id Canvas id of the (region) object used to position and move the image in the canvas. -shelp Text of short help message to be displayed whenever the mouse enters the image window (see Toplevel.tcl). -shorthelpwin Optionally specify TopLevelWidget to display short help messages. -subsample Flag: if true, pan image is "subsampled" when shrinking, otherwise the pixels are averaged. -target_image Target rtdimage. -usexshm X shared memory option. -usexsync X synchronisation option. -verbose Flag: if true, print diagnostic messages. -width Width of image frame. -xoffset X offset of image frame. -yoffset Y offset of image frame. -zoomwin Zoom window to update.
get_image {} Return the name of the underlying rtdimage object. notify_cmd {op args} This method is called (from the main image's CanvasDraw(n) widget) whenever an embedded rapid frame is moved, resized or deleted. If the "-command" option was given to this class, then that tcl command is evaluated with the frameId, operation name (move, resize, delete) the x, y coords and the width and height of the frame. set_cut_levels {} Set the cut levels.
add_menubar {} Add the menubar at the top of the window. init {} Add bindings and callbacks after the constructor was called. make_panel {} Make the upper panel . new_image_cmd {} This method is called by the image code whenever a new image is loaded (for updates, see camera command).
canvas_ Canvas window containing rapid frame image, different than target_canvas for popup frames. draw_ CanvasDraw object, for setting up move, resize operations on embedded image. frameId_ Rapid frame Id, needed to communicate with rtdServer. image_ Internal rtdimage for rapid frame. rectId_ Canvas id of rectangle used to get events for moving/resizing image. target_canvas_ Canvas widget for main image and region object marking frame. target_image_ Target internal rtdimage.
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