RtdImagePanel is a display and control panel for the RtdImageCtrl(n) widget. It displays the following information: the object name, the name of the file or camera being viewed the x,y pixel and world coordinates and pixel value under the mouse pointer the minimum and maximum image pixel values the image data type the low and high cut levels the scale (magnification), flip(X,Y) and rotate settings In addition to displaying the current image information, the cut levels can be set by editing them and hitting return, the scale factor can be selected from a menu and the rotation and flip X/Y settings can be toggled with checkbuttons.
autocut "Auto Set Cut Levels" button. bitpix LabelValue(n) widget for the FITS bitpix value. dec LabelValue(n) widget for DEC coordinate. high LabelEntry(n) widget for the high cut level. low LabelEntry(n) widget for the low cut level. lrframe Frame at the lower right of the panel that optionally holds the "Auto Set Cut Levels" button, ... max LabelValue(n) widget for the max pixel value. min LabelValue(n) widget for the min pixel value. object LabelValue(n) object displaying object name or file name. ra LabelValue(n) widget for RA coordinate. trans RtdImageTrans(n) widget displaying the rotate, flip and zoom controls. value LabelValue(n) widget for pixel value. x LabelValue(n) widget for X image coordinate. y LabelValue(n) widget for Y image coordinate.
-image Main RtdImage widget (set by caller). -labelfont Font to use for labels. -labelwidth Set the width for displaying labels. -max_scale Maximum allowed scale value. -min_scale Minimum allowed scale value. -shorthelpwin Optionally specify TopLevelWidget to display short help messages. -showcut Flag: if true, display the image cut levels. -showminmax Flag: if true, display the min and max pixel values. -showobject Flag: if true, display the object name. -showtrans Flag: if true, display the transformation widgets (zoom factor, etc). -showwcs Flag: if true, display ra,dec coordinates. -showxy Flag: if true, display x,y coordinates. -state Set the state to normal/disabled to enable/disable editing. -valuefont Font to use for values. -valuewidth Set the width for displaying values. -wcsfont Font to use for RA,DEC (a, b) labels (symbol).
auto_set_cut_levels {} Set the cut levels automatically using median filtering... cut_level_dialog {} Set the cut levels. updateValues {} Update the display with the current image values. update_cut_window {} Update the cut level display window, if needed.
make_layout {} Do the widget layout, aligning the items in rows and colums. set_cut_levels {args} Set the cut levels when the user types them in and hits return.
image_ Internal rtdimage widget for main image. x_ Saved x coordinate for update after image event. y_ Saved y coordinate for update after image event.
Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
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