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ImageZoom - C++ class for RtdImage Zoom Window


#include "ImageZoom.h"

 * This class implements the Zoom window for the RtdImage class
class ImageZoom {
    Tk_Window  tkwin_;          // zoom window
    GC gc_;                     // graphics context for copying pixels
    GC rect_gc_;                // graphics context for drawing box aroung center pixels
    int width_;                 // width of displayed image
    int height_;                // height of displayed image
    int zoomFactor_;            // zoom factor (1...n)
    int zoomStep_;              // value used to calculate zoom = width/factor
    ImageDisplay *xImage_;      // class object for zoom window's X image
    int status_;                // return value from constructor

    // constructor: initialize the zoom window
    ImageZoom(Tk_Window tkwin, GC copyGC, int width, int height, int factor,
                           int usingXShm, int verbose);

    // destructor: clean up resources

    // called for motion events in the image to do the zooming
    void zoom(unsigned char* data, int x, int y, int w, int h, int xs, int ys);

    // return status after constructor for error checking
    int status() {return status_;}


This class is used to implement one version of the RtdImage zoom
window, a small window displaying a magnified area of the main image
while tracking mouse pointer motion events. See RtdImageZoomView(n)
for the other, which is implemented as "view" of an RtdImage widget.

This simple class gets the necessary X window information from the
constructor arguments. The "zoom()" method is then called for mouse
pointer motion events with a pointer to the XImage data for the main
image, the mouse coordinates, the width of the zoom image and the zoom
factor. The zoom is done at the given factor directly from the given X
Image data and a rectangle is drawn in the middle to indicate the size
of a pixel in the main image.


void zoom(unsigned char* data, int x, int y, int w, int h, int xs, int ys)
        Called for motion events in image window when zooming is on.
          data - pointer to data being displayed
          x, y - coords in displayed image (XImage coordinates)
          w, h - width (bytesPerLine) and height of displayed image
          xs, ys - x and y magnification factors

int status()
        Return status after constructor for error checking.


RtdImage, RtdImageCtrl(n), RtdImageZoom(n), RtdImageZoomView(n)

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Last change: 07 May 99


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