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ImageData - C++ Base Class for Managing Image Data


#include "ImageData.h"

class ImageData {
    // maximum scale factor
    enum {MAX_IMAGE_SCALE = 50};

    // types of color scaling
    enum ImageColorScaleType {
        LINEAR_SCALE,           // linear scale
        LOG_SCALE,              // logarithmic or exponential scale
        SQRT_SCALE,             // square root scale
        HISTEQ_SCALE            // histogram equalization

    virtual ~ImageData();

    static ImageData* makeImage(const char* name, const ImageIO&, int verbose = 0);

    int write(const char* filename);

    void doTrans(double& x, double& y, int distFlag = 0,
                 double xOffset = 0.0, double yOffset = 0.0,
                 int width = 0, int height = 0);

    void undoTrans(double& x, double& y, int distFlag = 0,
                   double xOffset = 0.0, double yOffset = 0.0,
                   int width = 0, int height = 0);

    void coordsToDist(double& x, double& y, int width = 0, int height = 0);
    void distToCoords(double& x, double& y, int width = 0, int height = 0);
    int getIndex(double x, double y, int& ix, int& iy);
    void setXImageData(byte* xImage, int width, int height);
    void setScale(int xScale, int yScale);
    void shrinkToFit(int width, int height);
    void update();
    void updateOffset(double x, double y);
    virtual void getDist(int& numValues, double* xyvalues);
    int getSpectrum(double* xyvalues, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1);
    virtual void setCutLevels(double min, double max, int scaled);
    virtual void autoSetCutLevels(double percent = 98.0);
    virtual void medianFilter(double* pattern = NULL);
    virtual void colorScale(int ncolors, unsigned long* colors);
    virtual int dataType() = 0;
    virtual ImageData* copy() = 0;
    void saveParams(ImageDataParams&);
    void restoreParams(ImageDataParams&);
    virtual char* getValue(char* buf, double x, double y) = 0;

    virtual void getValues(double x, double y, double rx, double ry,
                           char* xStr, char* yStr, char* valueStr,
                           char* raStr, char* decStr, char* equinoxStr) = 0;

    virtual void getValues(double x, double y, double* ar, int nrows, int ncols) = 0;
    virtual void getValues(double x, double y, int w, int h, float* ar) = 0;

    virtual double getValue(double x, double y) = 0;
    virtual int getStatistics(double x, double y, int w, int h,
                              double& meanX, double& meanY,
                              double& fwhmX, double& fwhmY,
                              double& symetryAngle,
                              double& objectPeak, double& meanBackground);

    Mem& data();
    Mem& header();

    int getFitsHeader(ostream& os);

    void data(const Mem& data);
    void header(const Mem& header);

    WCS& wcs();

    byte* xImage();
    const ImageIO& image();
    void colorScaleType(ImageColorScaleType t);
    ImageColorScaleType colorScaleType();
    int ncolors();
    unsigned long* colors();
    unsigned long color0();
    unsigned long colorn();
    void setColors(int ncolors, unsigned long* colors);
    void expo(double e);
    double expo();
    int width();
    int height();
    int dispWidth();
    int dispHeight();
    int xScale();
    int yScale();
    int flipX();
    void flipX(int b);
    int flipY();
    void flipY(int b);
    int rotate();
    void rotate(int);
    double highCut();
    double lowCut();
    double minValue();
    double maxValue();
    void subsample(int b);
    void verbose(int b);
    void name(const char* name);
    char* name();
    void object(const char *object);
    char* object();
    int update_pending();
    void update_pending(int b);
    LookupTable lookup();
    int lookup(LookupTable);
    void clear();


This class is part of the RTI or Real-Time Image library and is
independent of X and Tcl/Tk, so it could, in principle, be used by a
separate process from the one displaying the image.  Class ImageData
is used for managing the image data and the conversion of the raw
image data to X image data with transformations (scaling, flipping and
rotating). Note that the term "X image", in this case refers to a
pointer to an array of bytes and not the XImage struct itself, which
is used to actually display the image later. The base class ImageData
is the only class visible to the outside, however, there is one
subclass for each underlying raw image data type. These subclasses
implement the type specific operations on the raw image. Here is the
class hierarchy:

        Base class, only class visible outside.

        Derived classed for images with the raw data types: short,
        ushort, byte, long and float

        This class is like ByteImageData, except that the raw image is
        already in XImage format (i.e.: different Y axis direction and
        no need for color scaling or cut levels).


The ImageData class is designed to work, in principle, independently
of the actual image format, although in the end, something resembling
FITS format is expected. An ImageData object can be created with the
"makeImage()" method.

ImageData::makeImage() takes an arbitrary image name, an ImageIO
object, and a verbose flag and returns a pointer to an object that is
a subclass of ImageData specialized in the data type for that image
(ShortImageData, FloatImageData, etc.).

The caller creates the ImageIO object and can control how the image is
constructed. ImageIO is a reference counted class that can be
initialized with a pointer to a subclass of ImageIORep. The astrotcl
package currently defines only one subclass called FitsIO, however
other packages may add other subclasses to implement support for new
image types. You can create an ImageIO object by passing the
constructor a pointer to a FitsIO object, and then use this for the
ImageData::makeImage() call:

    ImageIO imio(new FitsIO(width, height, type, 0.0, 1.0, header, data));
    image = ImageData::makeImage("myimage", imio, 0);

Or you can do it all in one step and let the compiler do the conversion:

    image = ImageData::makeImage("myimage", new FitsIO(...), 0);

Note that the internal image format is always FITS. Other formats may
be converted to FITS internally (see ImageIO).


The main task of the the ImageData class is to transform raw image
data of some type to data that can be displayed in an application
window. This includes transformations, such as scaling, rotating and
flipping and color scaling, or the mapping of pixel values to a
limited number of colormap values.  Since applications don't always
display the entire image at once, methods are available to transform
only a given section of the image. Whenever a part of the raw image is
to be copied to the X image, the current transformations and color
scaling algorithm are taken into account. The transformations are
controlled by flags. These can be accessed through the inline member
functions rotate(), flipX(), flipY(), xScale() and yScale(). The color
scaling algorithms (linear, logarithmic, square root and histogram
equalization) are used to create a lookup table that is used when
transforming the image.  Basically, the lookup tables (taken from
saoimage) convert shorts to bytes. Each subclass defines the method to
convert the raw image pixel values to shorts, which are then converted
to bytes via the lookup table, according to the current color scaling


Arguments representing coordinates and dimensions are generally
expected to be in image coordinates. Since the caller usually has
screen coordinates, these must be converted first to image coordinates
by reversing the transformations using the method "undoTrans".


makeImage(name, imageIo, verbose)
        Return a pointer to a derived class of ImageData specialized
        in the given type of image. See also above and class ImageIO.

        Save the image to a file. For FITS images, if a header was
        present, it is reused, otherwise FITS keywords are inserted
        indicating the image type, width and height along with the
        date and a number of numbered "blank cards" or FITS keyword
        fields that can be modified by other applications as needed.
        The fields have names starting with BLANK followed by 2 digits
        (from BLANK00 to BLANK28). See FitsIO for more information.

doTrans(x, y, dist_flag)
undoTrans(x, y, dist_flag)
        apply (doTrans) or reverse (undoTrans) the transformations on
        given coordinates (scale, rotate, flipX and flipY). If
        dist_flag is non-zero, x and y are treated as a distance, so
        that "flipX" and "flipY" are not done. Note that both methods
        also reverse the Y axis (when dist_flag is 0), since image
        coordinates have the origin at lower left rather than upper
        left as for canvas coordinates. These methods essentially convert
        between canvas (displayed) coordinates and image coordinates.

setXImageData(xImage, width, height)
        Set the destination XImage buffer and dimensions.  This class
        copies the rawimage to xImage, doing any necessary
        transformations along the way.

setScale(xScale, yScale)
        Set the scaling factor.  The scaling factors are positive or
        negative integers (default 1). Positive integers are used to
        zoom in on the image (2 means twice the original
        size). Negative integers are used to zoom out (-2 means 1/2
        the original size). The software imposes an arbitrary limit on
        the scaling factor of +-MAX_IMAGE_SCALE.

shrinkToFit(width, height)
        Set the scaling factor so that the image will fit within the
        given dimensions.

        Update the entire image from the raw image if necessary.  If
        nothing has changed since the image was last updated, this
        call does nothing, otherwise the entire raw image is copied to
        the X image with transformations.

updateOffset(x, y)
        Update the image area starting at the given offset and
        continuing to the end of the raw image or the end of the X
        image data, which ever comes first. The raw data starting at
        the offset (x,y) is copied to the X image starting at (0,0)
        with transformations. Note that x and y are in image
        coordinates.  This method is used when the X Image is the same
        size as the visible window and displays the part of the image
        at some x,y scroll offset.

getDist(numValues, xyvalues)
        Scan the image and generate X,Y values to show the
        distribution of pixel values in the image. "numValues" is the
        max number of X,Y pairs to put in xyvalues (if there are not
        enough values, numValues is modified to reflect the actual,
        smaller number of values). This method is used to generate a
        BLT(n) graph of the pixel value distribution in the image.

getSpectrum(xyvalues, x0, y0, x1, y1)
        Scan the raw image along the line given by x0,y0 and x1,y1 and
        generate an array of (index, pixel value) information. Return
        the number of (index,value) pairs generated for the line.
        This method is used to generate a BLT(n) graph of the pixel
        values in an arbitrary line in the image. As always, the
        arguments are expected in image coordinates.

setCutLevels(min, max)
        Manually set the cut levels. This affects color scaling (see

        Scan the image to find the distribution of pixel values (using
        getDist()) and set the cut levels so that the given percent of
        pixels are within the low and high cut values.

        Automatically set the cut levels using a median filtering
        algorithm.  The optional "pattern" parameter may be specified
        as a pointer to an array containing a fixed pattern of pixels
        (the same size as the image),
        which is used by the algorithm.

colorScale(ncolors, colors)
        Create the color scale lookup table for the image.  "ncolors"
        is the number of available colors in the colormap.  "colors"
        is an array of pixel values for the available colors.  The
        color scaling algorithm used is set with the (inline) method
        colorScaleType(), and defaults to ImageData::LINEAR_SCALE.

        Return the type of the raw image data as an enumeration value
        (see enum ImageDataType above).

        This virtual method returns an allocated copy of the image.
        The copy will share the same raw image pointer and color
        lookup table. Normally, a new X image pointer is assigned
        after this call, so that the same raw image can be transformed
        in different ways. This is used by the rtdimage widget to
        implement "views", such as the panning window and zoom window.

        Copy the cut levels and transformation params from the given

getValue(buf, x, y)
        Print the coordinates and raw data value at the given x,y
        image coords to the given char* buffer.  A "-" is printed if
        the x,y coords are out of range.

getValue(x, y)
        Return the raw image value at the given x,y coordinates as a
        double.  The input x,y is assumed to be in image coordinates.
        If the coordinates are out of range, 0.0 is returned.

getValues(x, y, xStr, yStr, valueStr, raStr, decStr, equinoxStr)
        Print the values at the given x,y coordinates to the given
        buffers for display. X and Y are specified in image
        coordinates and the values written to the buffers are in image
        and world coordinates, resp. If the given point is out of
        range, the buffers are set to the empty string.

getValues(x, y, ar, nrows, ncols)
        Fill the given array with the pixel values surrounding the
        given image coordinate point.  nrows and ncols give the
        dimensions of the array. Any values that are outside of the
        image are set to HUGE_VAL.  Note: it is assumed that nrows and
        ncols are odd numbers and that the array is one row and column
        larger (nrows+1 x ncols+1), so that it can hold the X and Y
        index headings.  The X heading is in the first row of the 2
        dimensional array and contains the X coordinate values. The Y
        coordinate values are in the first column.

        Return a reference to the class "Mem" object used to represent the
        FITS image header (or data).

        Set a new (FITS) image header or image data object (of class Mem).

        Get a pointer to the X image data.

        Get/set the current color scale algorithm (see enum
        ImageColorScaleType above).

        Get the number of colors in the colormap or the pointer to the
        color values (set with colorScale() or setColors()).

setColors(ncolors, colors)
        Set the number of colors in the colormap or the pointer to the
        color values.

        These two methods return the color values for blank pixels
        (color0()) and saturated pixels (colorn()). These two color
        cells are normally reserved for this purpose and are not
        otherwise used in the image. color0 is normally black and
        colorn is normally white. See ImageColor.

        Set/get the exponent used for logarithmic or square
        root color scaling.

        Get the dimensions of the raw image.

        Get the dimensions of the image after transformations.

        Get the X and Y scale (magnification) factors (Set
        with setScale()).

        Turn flipping in the X or Y direction or rotating on
        or off for the image.

        Get the high or low cut value (set with setCutLevels()).

        Get the minimum or maximum raw image value.

        Set the subsample flag, to true to use every nth pixel
        when shrinking an image, or false to use the maximum

        Sets a flag: if true, diagnostic messages are printed
        out at run time.

        Set/get the name of the image. This is some arbitrary string
        used to identify the image. The set routine makes a local copy
        of the string,

        This method returns a reference to the WCS class object for this
        image. This object provides a number of methods for working with
        world coordinates and converting between pixel and world coordinates.

        Temporarilly clear the X image data to make the image blank
        (until the next call to "update" or "updateOffset").


rtdimage(n), RtdImage, ImageColor(3C++), ImageDisplay(3C++),

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Last change: 07 May 99


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