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 QueryResult - Widget for viewing the results of a catalog query.






 QueryResult <path> ?options?


 A QueryResult widget frame is defined as a TableList (see TableList(n)
 in the tclutil package) with some methods added for catalog support. It
 is used to display the results of a catalog query. See also
 AstroQuery(n) for the query paramaters, AstroCat(n) for the main window
 or classes derived from these in the skycat package.  These classes do
 not deal with images - only catalog data. See the derived classes in
 the skycat package for image support.


        Astrocat (C++ based) object for accessing catalogs.

        Equinox of ra and dec columns in query result.


 add_rows {info headings}
        Add the given info rows (result of a query) to a local catalog
        file with the given headings. The user selects the name of the
        catalog file.

 add_selected {}
        Add the currently selected rows to a local catalog file.

 add_to {}
        Add the rows in the current listing to a local catalog file.

 check_row {data}
        Check that the given row contains valid data for a catalog and
        return 0 if OK.

 edit_selected_object {{command ""}}
        Pop up a window so that the user can edit the selected object(s).
        The optional command is evaluated with no args if the object is

 enter_new_object {{command ""}}
        Pop up a dialog to enter the data for a new object for a local
        catalog.  The command is evaluated after the users enters the new

 enter_object {command info}
        This method is called with the data for a new object to add to a
        local catalog. The row is added to the local catalog file and the
        command is evaluated. If a row with the given id already exists,
        it is updated (after confirmation).

 remove_selected {}
        Remove the currently selected rows from a local catalog file.

 reset {}
        Reset table dialogs if needed.

 save_as {}
        Save the current data to a local catalog.

 save_to_file {file info headings {iflag 0}}
        Save the given info (the result of query) to the given catalog
        file, using the given column headings.  If iflag is 1, insert rows
        in the existing file.

 select_columns {}
        Pop up a dialog to select table columns to display.

 select_result_row {}
        This method is called whenever a result row is selected.  If the
        row edit window exists, update it with the values for the new

 sort_dialog {}
        Pop up a dialog to sort the list.

 update_options {}
        Update the table sort and column display options from the catalog




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Last change: 07 May 99


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Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org@eso.org.
Copyright © 1998 ESO - European Southern Observatory