-anchor Set the anchor for labels. -astrocat Astrocat (C++ based) object for accessing catalogs. -command Specify the command to evaluate with the results of a query. The command is evaluated whenever a query is done with the following args: errmsg - If this is not empty, it contains an error message and the following args should be ignored. If there were no errors, this arg is an empty string. headings - are the column headings info - is a list of rows (result of query) more - is a flag set to 1 if there were more rows available that were not returned due to the maxrows limit set. -debug Flag: if true, run queries in foreground for better debugging. -feedbackcommand Specify the command to call to open and close a pipe used to give feedback during HTTP transfers. The command takes 1 arg: "on" or "off". -labelfont Font used for labels. -labelwidth Set the width for displaying labels. -namesvr Name server to use to resolve object names. -searchcommand Specify the search command to evaluate when the user types <Enter> (Can be used to set button states, etc. Defaults to [code $this search]). -valuefont Font used for values. -wcsfont Font used for ra,dec labels.
get_catalog_equinox {} Return the current equinox, or an empty string if the catalog does not support world coordinates. The user can change the equinox used to display coordinates by typing in a different value in the panel. get_equinox {} Return the value in the equinox entry, of 2000 if there isn't one. get_pos_radius {} Get the values from the position and radius entries and return a list in the format {ra dec equinox radius} if we are using wcs, or {x y radius} for image pixel coords. interrupt {} Interrupt the current search . search {args} Start the catalog search based on the current search options and display the results in the table. set_default_values {} Set the default values for the form entries: set the default position (RA, DEC) to the image center, set the min radius to 0 and the max radius to the distance from the center to the origin. set_pos_radius {list} Set the values for the position and radius entries from the given list, which should be in the format {ra dec equinox radius} if we are using wcs, or {x y radius} for image pixel coords. This method is only used for catalogs (not image servers). set_pos_width_height {list} Set the values for the position, width and height entries from the given list, which should be in the format: {ra dec equinox width height name} if we are using wcs, or: {x y width height} for image pixel coords. Any missing values at the end of the list are treated as blank. This method is only used for image servers. update_search_options {} Update the search option entries after they have been edited.
add_copyright {} Add copyright info to the search panel, if present. add_search_option {args} Add a row to the search options panel (blt table). The args may be one or more widget names to put in a row in the panel. Each widget is placed in a new column. An empty argument results in an empty column for that row. If all are empty, the row is left empty. add_search_options {} Add (or update) the search options panel. do_query {cmd} Return the result of a catalog query. Since this may be run in a separate process via fork, all of the necessary info is returned in the format: {results headings entry querypos more} where: results are the query results (list of rows) headings are the result headings entry is the catalog config entry querypos is the center pos of the query more is a flag, 1 if more rows available For image servers, the result of the command is the name of the file containing the image and the headings field is left empty. init {} Called after options have been evaluated. query_done {status result} This method is called when the background query is done. The arguments are the error status (0 is OK) and the result of evaluating the Tcl commands. The result arg contains a list of items: {info headings entry pos more} Where: info is a list of rows (result of query) headings are the column headings entry is the catalog config entry (including info from the header in the query result), pos is the query center position (possibly expanded by a name server) more is a flag indicating if there were more rows available that were not returned due to the maxrows limit set. set_short_help {} Add short help texts to widgets.
copyright_ Copyright field. dec_ Widget name for DEC field. equinox_ Widget name for equinox field. height_ Widget name for image height field. iscat_ Flag: true if catalog is not an image server. max_values_ Array(colName) of widget name for search column max fields. maxnum_ Widget name for "max number of objects" field. min_values_ Array(colName) of widget name for search column min fields. name_ Widget name for name field. ra_ Widget name for RA field. rad1_ Widget name for min radius field. rad2_ Widget name for max radius field. search_col_info_ Saved value of catalog search_cols_ entry, for comparison. search_cols_ List of columns to search by. search_opts_ Blt table for search options. search_opts_row_ Current row number for $search_opts_. width_ Widget name for image width field. x_ Widget name for X field. y_ Widget name for Y field.
Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org@eso.org.
Copyright © 1998 ESO - European Southern Observatory