#include "worldCoords.h" typedef struct { int hours; int min; double sec; double val; /* value calculated in degrees */ } WC_HMS; typedef struct { WC_HMS ra, dec; } WC; WC* wcInitNull(WC*); int wcIsNull(WC* wc); WC* wcInitFromHMS(WC*, int rh, int rm, double rs, int dd, int dm, int ds, double equinox); WC* wcInitFromDeg(WC*, double ra, double dec, double equinox); WC* wcInitFromStrings(WC*, char* ra, char* dec, double equinox); void wcPrint(WC* wc, char* ra_buf, char* dec_buf, double equinox);
The routines described here present a C interface to the C++ WorldCoords class and are used to convert between different representations of world coordinates. The values in the struct are always kept in both H:M:S[+-]D:M:S format (members: hours, min, sec) and as floating point values in hours (member: val) in the default equinox of J2000.
wcInitNull Initialize null world coordinates and return the argument. (Null coordinates are useful in some cases where you have an optional second position for an area instead of a single point). Arguments: wc (in/out) - pointer to WC struct to be filled in Return value: pointer to wc argument. wcIsNull Return true if the given coords are null. Arguments: wc (in) - pointer to initialized WC struct Return value: boolean value wcInitFromHMS Initialize the world coordinates from RA, DEC in H:M:S D:M:S format and return the first parameter. Arguments: wc (in/out) - pointer to WC struct to fill out rh (in) - RA hours rm (in) - RA minutes rs (in) - RA seconds dd (in) - DEC degrees dm (in) - DEC minutes ds (in) - DEC seconds equinox (in) - epoch (2000.0, 1950.0, ...) Return value: pointer to wc argument wcInitFromDeg Initialize the world coordinates from RA, DEC in degrees in floating point format and return the first parameter. Arguments: wc (in/out) - pointer to WC struct to fill out ra (in) - right ascension dec (in) - declination equinox (in) - epoch (2000.0, 1950.0, ...) Return value: pointer to wc argument wcInitFromStrings Initialize the world coordinates from RA, DEC in the format "H:M:S.sss", "[+-]D:M:S.sss" and return the first parameter. The minutes and seconds are optional, so the formats "H.hhh", "[+-]D.ddd" and "H:M", "D:M" are also supported. Arguments: wc (in/out) - pointer to WC struct to fill out ra (in) - right ascention dec (in) - declination equinox (in) - epoch (2000.0, 1950.0, ...) Return value: pointer to wc argument wcPrint Print RA and DEC to the given buffers in the given equinox. Arguments: wc (in) - pointer to WC struct ra_buf (in) - buffer to contain RA in H:M:S dec_buf (in) - buffer to contain DEC in D:M:S equinox (in) - desired epoch (2000.0, 1950.0, ...) Return value: none.
Please send questions or comments to abrighto@eso.org.
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