QC1 Browser

xshooter_science_public: QC1 values related to science frames (processed as IDPs)



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1. General Keywords

mjd_obs float MJD-OBS of first raw file
civil_date datetime civil date of observation (YYYY-MM-DD)
cdbfile varchar given name of associated product file
pipefile varchar pipefile name of associated product file
arcfile varchar arcfile name of first raw file
pro_catg varchar Product category of primary science file

2. QC1 Keywords

mean_reduced float mean level of reduced file
rms_red float rms of mean_red
num_sat integer average number of saturated pixels in a raw frame
num_cosmics float average number of cosmics in a raw frame (STARE: -999)
datancom integer total number of combined raw files
mean_s2n float mean across entire SNR file
qc_s2n float mean of the two pipeline SNR values (spectral windows)
wlen_start float start wavelength (nm)
wlen_end float end wavelength (nm)
wlen_step float wavelength step (nm)
mean_airm float mean airmass during first exposure
mean_seeing float mean seeing during first exposure
tot_exptime float total exposure time (in sec, summed over all raw files)
flux_avail varchar flag to indicate that flux calibrated spectrum is available
ob_id integer ID of Observing Block
run_info varchar link to "programme/run information" (select 'HTML' to display properly)
file_list varchar link to "raw file list" (select 'HTML' to display properly)
abstract varchar link to "abstract" (available only for released data; select 'HTML' to display properly)

3. Instrument Keywords

det_read_speed varchar detector read mode ('undefined' for NIR)
det_win_bin varchar binning ( 'undefined' for NIR)
ins_mode varchar observing mode (combination of technique and arm)
ins_tech varchar technique (NOD=nodding)
ins_arm varchar arm (UVB, VIS, NIR)
slit varchar slit (width x length in arcsec)
dit float discrete integration time (sec, for NIR; undefined for UVB and VIS)
ndit int number of DITs (for NIR; -999: undefined)
score_bit varchar quality flags ("score bits")
proc_scheme varchar processing scheme ("more)
pipe_id varchar Pipeline name/version
run_id varchar ID of observing run
VM_SM varchar Visitor Mode or Service Mode (or NONE for telluric standards)
tpl_complete int template complete? (0=yes, 1=no)
nod_throw float nodding throw (in arcsec)

4. Options

time range: from to
aggregate functions: sum mean 1sigma number
format: plain ASCII HTML

Send comments to: <qc@eso.org>