QC1 Browser

hawki_science_idp: QC1 values from HAWKI IDP science products



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1. General Keywords

mjd_obs float MJD-OBS of (first) raw file
civil_date datetime civil date
arcfile varchar arcfile name of (first) raw file
pipefile varchar pipefile name of associated calibration file
tpl_start varchar TPL start time

2. QC1 Keywords

magzpt float frame zeropoint (mag) as calculated by pipeline
magzpt_nditcorr float instrument zeropoint (mag) = frame zeropoint + 2.5 * log10(NDIT)
magzerr float error of zeropoint (mag)
n_magzpt integer number of stars used for zeropoint calculation
limiting_mag float limiting magnitude
skybright float sky brightness (mag/arcsec^2)
sky_median float median sky brightness (ADU)
image_quality float average FWHM of stellar objects
ellipticity float average stellar ellipticity
posang float median position angle of sources (degree; from North)
n_source integer number of detected sources
err_wcs float average error of WCS fits (arcsec)
n_wcs integer number of stars in WCS fit
ia_fwhm float seeing from active optics, corrected by airmass
airm_mean float mean airmass over total exposure
exptime float total exposure time (in secs)
casu_exptime float exposure time (in secs) used in zeropoint calculation i.e. NDIT * DIT
num_sat integer number of saturated pixels in 1st raw frame
satlevel integer saturation level (ADU)
dt_twflt float time difference (in days) between science and twilight flat
ob_id integer ID of Observation Block
ob_name varchar name of Observation Block
run_id varchar ID of observing run
target varchar target name
run_info varchar link to programme/run information (select HTML to display properly)
file_list varchar link to raw file list (select HTML to display properly)
abstract varchar link to abstract (available only for released data; select HTML to display properly)
QC_plot varchar link to QC plots/previews (internal link; select HTML to display properly)

3. Instrument Keywords

ins_filt1 varchar name of filter in first filter wheel (OPEN: no filter)
ins_filt2 varchar name of filter in second filter wheel (OPEN: no filter)
det_dit float detector integration time (sec)
det_ndit integer number of sub integrations
det_ncorrs_name varchar name of read-out mode
det_read_speed integer detector read-out speed
datancom integer number of input frames
sky_YN varchar Y: observations have separate sky measurement
AO_YN varchar Y: observations executed with AO
tpl_complete integer 0: template complete; 1: aborted or incomplete
VM_SM varchar Visitor Mode or Service Mode
ob_grade varchar OB grade (A/B/C/D or X=unknown)
na ob_comment varchar OB comment (truncated at 200 chars)
score_bit varchar quality flags (score bits)
proc_scheme varchar processing scheme
pipe_vers varchar pipeline version number

4. Options

time range: from to
aggregate functions: sum mean 1sigma number
format: plain ASCII HTML

Send comments to: <qc@eso.org>