"cells": [
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" \n",
"# How to download data \n",
"This section of the [\"ESO Science Archive Programmatic: HOWTOs\"](http://archive.eso.org/programmatic/HOWTO/) shows how to programmatically download ESO data, either anonymously (for public data) or with authentication (for proprietary data), using Python.\n",
"_**Usage**: You can access this file either as a static HTML page [(download it here)](http://archive.eso.org/programmatic/HOWTO/jupyter/ESO_How_to_download_data.html), or as an interactive jupyter notebook [(download it here)](http://archive.eso.org/programmatic/HOWTO/jupyter/ESO_How_to_download_data.ipynb) which you can download and run on your machine [(instructions)](https://jupyter.org/install). To interact with the jupyter notebook: move up and down the various cells using the arrow keys, execute the code by pressing CTRL+ENTER; you can also modify the code and execute it at will._\n",