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Science Archive
Programmatic and Tools Access
Demo page

The purpose of this page is to help you to learn:
  1. how to compose URLs to interact with the different ESO science archive services, either programmatically or via tools;
  2. how to construct queries to interrogate the various database tables of the ESO science archive, using ADQL and TAP;
  3. how to put it all together and script your access to the ESO science archive, using the pyvo python module.
If some terms in this page are not familiar to you, please read the overview page first.

In this page:

This page is organised in 7 tabs. You'll have to click on a tab to see its content.

Implemented IVOA Standards: ADQL 2.0 DataLink v1.0 ObsCore v1.1 SSAP v1.1 TAP v1.1
UWS v1.1 DALI v1.1 2017-05-17 SODA v1.0
Software: taplib implements: ADQL, TAP, and UWS; by Grégory Mantelet (ARI - Astronomisches Rechen Institut, Heidelberg)
SSAPServer implements SSAP v1.1; by Vincenzo Forchì (ESO)
ESO code (not distributed) implements DataLink, ObsCore, SODA; by DFI/ESO

Last modification date of IVOA standards & ESO software: 2021-11-22

Actions for a given dataset ID:  
  • Retrieve its metadata record (first 3 are VO standard services)
  • or get its     (ESO specific services)
  • Show URL only:
    Integration server: Upgrading server: Operational server:

To change the ID in the input box above, you can either manually type therein an ID,
or click on one of the IDs here below (clicking on them sets the ID);
then, click on the service you want to activate.
Sample list of (clickable) IDs:

ADP.2011-06-24T14:55:29.867 (VVV filter=Ks tile image)
ADP.2011-06-24T14:55:29.100 (VVV filter=Z tile image)
ADP.2014-12-22T15:00:36.163 (VHS VIRCAM filter=Y pawprint image)
ADP.2016-07-18T09:00:02.473 (HAWKI filter=BrG tile image)
ADP.2016-07-20T09:16:48.344 (HAWKI filter=BrG pawprint image)
ADP.2013-08-19T15:03:41.750 (VPhas+ OMEGACAM filter=NB_659 pawprint image)
ADP.2013-07-04T15:07:12.747 (KIDS OMEGACAM filter=g_SDSS tile image)
ADP.2014-10-01T10:19:21.580 (HARPS spectrum product)
ADP.2015-04-17T12:15:34.457 (XSHOOTER spectrum of a GRB)
HARPS.2004-02-17T03:02:33.233 (HARPS spectrum raw)
ADP.2016-09-07T07:57:19.679 (catalogtile)
ADP.2016-06-01T14:07:30.134 (cube)
ADP.2020-03-02T15:35:28.594 (spectrum GIRAFFE)
ADP.2013-07-15T14:08:12.807 (catalog AMBRE)
ADP.2014-12-22T14:56:40.210 (srctbl VHS)
ADP.2016-03-17T08:31:54.133 (obsolete catalog)
ADP.2016-03-17T08:31:54.153 (obsolete srctbl)
Last modification date of Learn dataset actions: 2018-10-16
TAP Service: its list of jobs:  
Service type:  


Parsing results:

    Helper: Characteristics of standard filters Helper: Characteristics of ESO filters
    Last modification date of Query a TAP Service: 2024-04-17

    Click on a tab to see its contents here.